Meet The Royals

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So I know these aren't the correct dates. But we can't have a good story with one being 1988 and one being 2004. So we're since it's a 16 year difference, we're gonna place it in between the two. The year is 1996.

Sherwood, Ohio.

The sound of a scream rang through the yard.

A girl said," It's okay Heather, we'll find it," in a small sheepish tone.

She had blonde slightly curled hair, that seemed to have the smallest hint of ginger. It stretched down just a little past her shoulders. She had a long, sunny yellow coat on with a white button-up underneath. Her eyes were like sparkling brown diamonds.

"YOU BETTER!!!" shouted another girl again.
This one had the purest blonde hair, which went into a frizzy-curl shape at the end, while the front was slicked back. There was a small, bloodred scrunchie in her hair that separated the slicked front from the frizzy ponytail in the back.

She wore this grey jacket, but it was striped red, white, and a touch of green. Her blue eyes were almost like the sea. Fascinating and immense. Her face was as symmetrical as a butterfly's wings. Just by looking, you could tell she was the head alpha of this group.

She glared to a third girl, who was slightly paler than the rest. This girl was was reading her copy of Moby Dick. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE AND READ HEATHER, DO SOMETHING!!"

"S-sorry Heather," she stammered.
This one had beautiful straight hair. It was the perfect combination of ginger and brunette. She had on a cyan-y colored coat, but it was mostly green. She had grey-blue eyes that reflected off the sun. She started to look around with her yellow-outfitted friend.

As the Heather in red flared her nostrils, a final girl sat next to her. Her face was slighter rounder. She had short brown hair that flared out, but curled back in at the shoulders. She had a blue button up coat. Her brown eyes were the type that you got lost in. But there was one thing that set her off from the rest. She wasn't a Heather, but she was a Veronica.

All the girls had on mini skirts that were darker than a starless night sky. Well now,they were stained with mud from looking for Heather's red croquet ball that seemed to have mysteriously vanished. In an attempt to calm herself down, Veronica checked out the exquisite daffodils. Ha, there was even a rose red one near the bottom ready to bloom. Wait, daffodils aren't red. At least not in Sherwood.

"Heather!" she exclaimed. "I found your ball!"

Veronica pointed her over in the right direction, and she just stared at her. The two other Heathers looked at her in astonishment. They'd been looking for the past half hour! Heather looked annoyed. "Then go get it!"

"Right, sorry!"
She rushed over to rescue it. As Heather and Heather picked up their balls, Veronica handed Heather hers before grabbing her own. With her found item, she whispered," Prepare to die."

Evanston, Illinois

"Shut UP, Gretchen!" a teenager screamed. She had straight blonde hair, close to the color of wheat. Her very light brown eyebrows were at an arch. Her eyes were like icicles, they could pierce even the thickest of skin. It seemed like she could scare even the bravest of men with a single stare. But at the same time, everybody wanted her.

"Yes, Regina," squeaked another girl. She had shorter brown hair that ended at her shoulders. The waves in them were comparable to the ocean. Her eyebrows were shorter and darker than her friend's, but they were still cute. She had the type of brown eyes that were close to hypnotic. She was clearly the right hand woman.

A third girl dreamily chimed in," Do these crackers make my eyes look bigger?" Her hair was blonde hair like the first girl, but her's was more of a lemon yellow. Her eyebrows were slightly thicker, but they were the perfect color mixture of the two other girls. Despite her sharp appearance, her mind wasn't. Her blue eyes were less like icicles, more like rain.

Regina looked at her with a fake smile, like she was about to smart mouth her. "Karen, sometimes I think I'm the dumb one, but every time you open your mouth you prove me wrong."

There was a fourth girl. She decided to chime in with her own opinion. "You know, I used to think a Kalteen bar was for teens only until I was about 7." She had fire red hair, put behind her in a subtle ponytail. Her eyebrows were dark ginger, with a small arch to them. She had grey-blue eyes that looked mysterious behind her freckles.

Gretchen looked back at her. "Cady, that's ridiculous. How does the math champion of North Shore not know what a Kalteen bar really is for 7 years?" Regina raised her voice. "Can we just stop talking about KALTEEN BARS!" Then Karen ended it by asking," Do you wanna go to Taco Bell?"

And that's the first episode!! I really hope you guys like it. Episode 2 will be coming soon. This has taken me a few days to write and edit. But any chance I get, I will try to work on the story as best as I can. If you like this story, and you want to share, please feel free to do so.

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