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I herd cash say my name i just ran out the door and ran home untill my legs gave up and then a car pulled up it was cash he told me to get im i just tried to limp away but insted he picked me up bridal style and the he took me home the car ride was silent untill he pulled into my driveway my mom and dad were fighting and yelling hes probably drunk and which he wasnt saposed to be home till a nother week for his job then i herd a big bang and a scream the faded right then and there i just got out the car and opened the door and ran to my house door opened it and broke balling my eyes out my mom was dead on the floor along with my dad i just stood there and then cash came and looked at me i just hugged him and didnt let go aventually i called 911 and they told me they did not make it!

~A few months later~
Me and cash did not talk scence then or mychael but i found out mychael had moved to kansas with his gf...and i moved on but today i woke up and got dressed into a navy blue hoodie and some black leggings with white converes (srry the picture wont load)

And some concealer and mascara

It was a nice day out so i was walking to the park and when i got thete i imiditly sat on the swing just pushing the dirt around and then a tall boy with the exact say hair just a little differentnt appeard to the swing next to me i just try to avoid this guy but that did not work **note to self/ quit being a damn a social butterfly**
???: hey im maverick but i go by mav
You: hey im y/n and i go by y/n
Mav: well nice to meet yo-
???: MAV! quit flirting with girls and come o-
You: Cash?
Cash: y/n! What are you doing here
Mav: WAIT you guys know each other?
You: are you two brothers?
Cash um yeh! Mav this is y/n my friend
Mav: oh ok
Cash: so
Yoy: well im gunna hed to starbucks cya lat-
Cash+mav: WAIT! can we cme with you
You: sure ig

*half way there (cuz im to much of a lazie dead fish)
Cash: all order what do u want y/n and mav?
You: ummm Pink drink
Mav:carmel frappe
Cash: okey brb

Mav: so y/n how do u know cash
You: um well i met him at school but then i got homeschooled cuz my mom and dad left for new york for a year dor their job and i never went out the house rlly much
**just then cash came back**
Cash: i got drinks i got drinks
*you just laugh a bit*
Cash: so y/n do u want to play w0 questions?
You: sure ill start. Ok mav whos youe fav...sib?
Mav: uhhh both so cash whos your crush
*cash just kicked mavs leg
While you took the top of the drink and ate the ice**
Cash: c-cha-rlie 
**you look up in dispaleif and checked the time it was 9:31**
You: uhh ive gotta go my mom will be wondering where im at
Mav: but you said your moms in new york
You: right i just remembered i have to to WALK MY CAT!
**rlly y/n walk your cat omg how stupid are you rn!**
**you just ran our the door and teard up on your way there

Cashs pov
All i said was who i liked mav what did i do wrong?
Mav: BRO! mabey if you pull your head out your Rump you would know!


The Window Boy | Cash BakerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora