"That's so cool. I still can't believe you've met the Iron Man."

I grinned sheepishly. "Yeah. He's a pretty cool dude. So are all of the Avengers."

"You've met all of them?" His mouth was wide open.

"Yep. I interned at the tower for a summer. That's where I met Peter and the rest of them."

I was hesitant, then continued.

"Peter didn't like me at first. But he changed his mind once he got to know me." I smiled, the memories all rushing back.

"That's awesome," Jeremy said.

We arrived at Martin Hall and there were already people standing outside, nicely dressed and enveloped in small talk. We strolled up the brick stairs and concrete pavement as people were waving at Jeremy. "You seem pretty popular," I whispered to him. "I guess," he said as he waved back to a girl in a yellow dress.

I stepped into the main room, and all around me were fold-out chairs. There was a projector mounted to the ceiling and the screen was pulled down, probably for a boring PowerPoint presentation. There was a station with little paper cups and water, and a girl with a blouse was handing out papers.

This seems like fun.


It's 11:00. I should probably go to bed. But Harley still isn't back and I kind of want to wait for him.

What kind of banquet is he at?

I decided I would go to bed and just ask him in the morning, but the knob started turning right as I was turning the light out and Harley came through the door, looking very tired.

"Hey Pete," he yawned.

"Hey," I said bluntly and turned on my side to where he couldn't see me.

"Sorry it's so late. That stupid banquet lasted forever and then Jeremy had to talk to like 20 people even after it was over."

He went into the bathroom and started brushing his teeth. After he was done, he came back out and changed a t-shirt and shorts. It took all of me not to look over at him while he was changing because he's so sexy without a shirt on.

"Did you do anything interesting tonight?" He asked, getting into bed.


He looked at me, his hand holding his head up as his elbow rested on his pillow. "Are you okay?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah."

"I'm sorry we haven't gotten to hang out very much Pete. Want to do something this weekend?"

"You'll probably want to make plans with Jeremy."

I didn't mean to say it, it all just came rushing out.

He sighed. "Peter you know that's not how it is okay? Don't be jealous."

"I'm not."

"Good." He responded. "Are you going to the Halloween party tomorrow night?"

"I was thinking about it. Not sure if I want to."

"You should come," he insisted. "I'll be there."

I already know that I'm going, I just wanted to see what he would say. I even invited Conan because he's not doing anything for Halloween and I really want to see him. It's been too long.

I shouldn't be getting upset at Harley about Jeremy if I'm going to have Conan. I mean we're just friends... but still. I don't need to be a hypocrite.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly. He looked at me. "For what?"

"I shouldn't be upset at you for hanging out with Jeremy. I'm glad you're making new friends."

He smiled. "Thanks Peter. And you know that nobody could ever replace you right?"

I nodded my head and turned the light off.

But deep down, I'm not really sure.


{A/N helloooo my people. it is Reese. how's everyone doing today? sorry this update is also kind of late-ish. we had some planning to do for the next few chapters. don't forget to vote, comment, and enjoy!! also don't forget to follow us so you don't miss our upcoming projects ;) love you all so much and thanks for reading our story!}

hope you Midgardians have a BOMB-ASS day ;)

A/N Hey so i'm adding one just to say HOLY SHIT! THE NEW TRAILER FOR SPIDER-MAN FAR FROM HOME WAS FREAKING SICK! I AM SO FREAKING STOKED!!!! "yOu dOnT gHoSt NiCk fUrY" well Peter Parker does. alright that's all. :)

hope you Midgardians have a bomb ass day ;) pt. 2

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