Chapter 2: Role Swap

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AN UNLIKELY TEAM: The Three Cadets

//A year later, Lance, Hunk, and Katie are on a simulated flight to Kerberos.//

 "Galaxy Garrison flight log 5-11-14. Begin descent to Kerberos for the rescue mission," Hunk said. He jerks the simulator while descending.

 "Augh, "Lance said, "Can you keep this thing straight?"

"Relax," Hunk said. "I'm just getting a feel for the stick. I mean it's not like I did this!"Hunk jerks the simulator again causing Lance to groan. "Or this!"

"Okay... unless you want to wipe beef stroganoff out of all the little nooks and crannies in this thing, you'd better KNOCK IT OFF, MAN!" Lance begs. Suddenly, there is a beeping noise in the simulator.

 "We've picked up a distress beacon!" Keith calls out.

 "All right, look alive, team! , track coordinates," Hunk orders.

"Copy," Keith said. The simulator starts to rumble and alarms blare.

 "Knock it off, please!" Lance said.

"Oh this one's on you, buddy. We've got a hydraulic stabilizer out," Hunk replies. Lance pulls the image up on a monitor.

 "Oh no—" Lance chokes down his vomit.

"Oh, no—Fix now, puke later!" Hunk said.

"I lost contact. The shaking is interfering with our sensors," Keith reported.

 "Come on!" Hunk groans.

"It's not responding. Ugh..." Keith desperately tried to fix the problem but to no avail. Lance unbuckles his seatbelt to fix the stabilizer. Hunk's monitor activates.

 "Oh, never mind, fellas. Thar she blows. Preparing for approach on visual," Hunk called.

"I don't think that's advisable with our current mechanical and... gastrointestinal issues," Keith said as Lance choked down vomit again. Lance nodded

 "Stop worrying. This baby can take it. Can't you, champ?" Hunk pats the simulator but the simulator rumbles violently. "Uh, see? She was—she was nodding. She was nodding. Hail down to them and let them know their ride is here."

Keith reached for the microphone. "Attention lunar vessel—Uwah!!!" The ship jerked, sending Keith to the ground.

"What are you doing? Buckle your belt. And, stop that shaking!" Hunk said. 

Lance looked up. "I-I'm trying—ah-ah o-oh no—!" Lance vomits in the main gearbox and the rumbling stops. 

Keith gets to the microphone. "Attention lunar vessel, this is Rescue Craft One Victor Six Three Tango. Coming in for landing and extraction, against crew recommendations,"

"Uh, no time for your mutinous comments now, . They're going under and we're going in," Hunk said diving the simulator towards the surface of Kerberos.

 "Look out for that overhang!" Keith yelled.

"No worries! My first year in flight school, you know what they called me? They called me 'The Tailor' because of how I thread the needle. Come around, come around! Come on, come on—!" Hunk said. The simulator strikes the overhang.

"We lost a wing!"

 "Oh, man..." Hunk gulped. The simulation flight crashes and the simulation ends.

The simulation shut down and the computer said, "Simulation Failed,"

 "Nice work, Tailor," Keith said sarcastically. The simulator door opens and Iverson appears.

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