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Third POV
Once Kai and Jabez walked into the house with their bags. Kai seen duke and walked over to him and started petting on his head.

Duke jumped on Kai while she said rubbed him and said "I missed you to buddy". Kai put him back on the floor and she walked upstairs to her new room.

She dropped her bags on the floor and started to put some of her clothes in there even though they were a little bit. Jabez asked Lani has she seen Kai and she told him she upstairs.

Jabez went upstairs and seen Kai in one of the rooms. "Kai why you up here by yourself?" Jabez asked. "Just thinking" Kai said looking at him. "Let's go get the boxes and set your room up" he said trying to make her happy.

"Ok" Kai said walking out of the empty room. Jabez followed behind her while going downstairs. They seen the guys helping out Lani and her mom moving stuff in the living room.

Kai had grabbed a couple of boxes and Jabez did the same and they went back upstairs. They had unpacked everything of hers and started to set up her room in her way.

Kai was kinda bossing jabez around about 'how the picture is supposed to hang' or 'how the dresser is supposed to be for her makeup' and etc. But her room had came together and looked really beautiful.

Kai's bedroom👇🏽

Kai's bedroom👇🏽

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Makeup area👇🏽

Then they were about to get her closest and bathroom put together

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Then they were about to get her closest and bathroom put together. But Lani came in saying "they need help downstairs but" got distraction but Kai's room.

"Wow, Kai your room looks amazing" Lani said looking around. "Thanks but it's not finished yet.

I gotta finish up my closet and my bathroom" Kai said while putting some of her clothes in her closet. "Well I'll tell mom your working on your room" Lani said walking out.

Kai and Jabez got back putting some of her shoes and clothes in the closet. After about 20 minutes Kai and Jabez finished her room up.

Kai's closet👇🏽

Keeping up with the Lani SistersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora