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Tobirama pov

My chest felt heavy as I sneezed a little. The skin on my arms and chest is cold, and I felt as if I was going to die of starvation. It was the sounds of metal that alerted me to my current surroundings. I force open my eyes, flinching away from the sunlight. Letting out an unpleasant yawn, I scan the room with my eyes, trying to find every corner, every bug, even the dust particles caught in the air.

The wallpaper looks ancient with weird flower patterns on them, it was pilling off the wall. The wall underneath the paper was cracked with holes. The old, wooden floor below the bed creaked with every step the mystery person took. Fully on guard like a lion, I hop down from the bed and crash-land on a cushion below, I end up rolling off of it in the momentum. My bodyweight seems off.

I picked my paw up in front of my face and stared at it, a weird and strange feeling. I don't want to accept this as me. Was I the only one this happened to?   I glance at the giant bed and there was a ball of fur on top of one of the pillows. Curiosity hit me full force, my mind in a frenzy. Who was that? Could it be hair? Could it possibly be prey? and Is it my mother? That last thought didn't come from me... Shut up.

If I were still that 'me' with the human limbs, who knew how to control himself in the present moment, he would have been more straightforward with his mind, then think over things that do not really matter. But right at this moment, my thoughts took control of my body, and I climbed onto the tiny table and jump on the bed. 

And there lies the furry ball of hair I couldn't resist myself and took a swat at it, with claws and everything. The thing yelped in pain, eyes opening with a familiar dark brown. The ones I grew up with from my birth and into adulthood. But I might be fooling myself by thinking that because only an idiot would be reborn into something as disgusting as a cat. I'm dreaming, aren't I? Cats are the summons of the... Uchiha.

He looked at me accusingly, but when he looked into my eyes he looked surprised. It was like he knew me from somewhere, but I didn't know him. 'T-Tobirama...' he whispered, and I tensed, my eyes wide and heavy with confusion with a hint of disbelief. 

That same annoying voice I heard my entire life as a shinobi. My idiotic, coconut-headed brother, at least to me, is the dumbest, most uselessly-optimistic person I know. At times, I allow my mind to wander off the course for a few minutes. It was those times I dreamt about some weird things in my life, but this... My brother looks like a hairy, sad, cat with the smallest beady eyes that tries so hard to be happy. He tries to smile while his entire body is shaking, I couldn't help but cringe.

"Do you have an idea of why we're like this?" I ask, sitting down on an orange cushion.

"Huh? Like what?" He asked dumbly, I  smacked him on the head, "OWW!" he exclaimed, does He not me in a cat's body? Hokage my ass, he couldn't notice that obvious detail of me. he'll say something infuriating  stupid like 'haven't you always been this hairy, Tobirama?' How rude.

"about how we're felines!?" I scream, swatting him in the face and he 'eeked' holding his face with his two front paws. He cowered out of my reach, on top of a worn-out, yellow pillow. He looked down at his new body and a look of shock crawled onto his furry face. Hashirama looked up at me, and back down to himself. This action repeated itself for the next couple of minutes before I pounced on him, out of irritation. 

"Why must you be so annoying" I growled, as depressed lines surrounded him. I turned away from him, I didn't want to look at him any longer, I'm afraid I might beat him out of his idiocy. Though that might not be a bad idea...but... where the hell are we? Whose house is this? 

The sound of pots crashing to the floor caught both of our attention, to a small little girl, she looked about four years old, a tattered-dirty-white dress hung off of her small frame. Her skin was white as snow, her hair was bleached white, while her eye contrasts against her entire self.

They were the color of a Sharingan, the color red. I despise them. I hate them. But I can't talk much, because she looks like a miniature me, except poor, dirty and without shoes. I crouched low to the bed, If she were to try anything, then I'm ready to attack, feline or not.

"Oh my! You're awake!" she squeals, running towards us with grabby hands, I tense, Oh hell no, I dart out of the way of her slimy child hands, instead she grabs my brother, Hashirama, who was hiding, behind me before the attack. "Huggies!"

She squeezed him tight, Hashirama's eyes grew comically wide, as she kissed all over his hairy face. I hissed at her, claws pointing out. I crouch down again jumping into the air, with my hind legs, ready for intentional damage, but I underestimate the distance and my size. 

So instead of jumping on her, I was freefalling to the floor. Hashirama gasps, reaching out his arms to catch me, but he knows I'm out of his reach, he couldn't save me. It was too late for the girl to catch me, she was preoccupied with my brother.

I closed my eyes bracing myself for pain, I felt paws push me in mid-air and I collided with something soft, also ... hairy. A deep, bemused chuckle brought me to open my eyes to pitch-black eyes.

"Senju...I always thought of you as a person equal in power, but I guess I was wrong " This voice it can't be! I thought he died! I killed him myself. Wait, I and my brother died. So this might be him. 

My forbidden crush. The guy I was attracted to, in my past life, as a shinobi. The crush was so foolish enough to exist in the Uchiha vs. Senju war. 


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