Nosebleeds, grey eyes and flat lines

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A week passed and Krista was laying back with Eren in his dorm. She buried her face in his chest as the movie went on making Eren chuckle slightly. Gently he kissed the top of her head "You know, your just too damn cute." Eren said as Armin walked into the dorm room with a wierd look on his face. "You okay pal?" Eren asked. "Eren I need your help." Armin said "Okay whats the problem?" Eren asked as Armin tried to relax a bit as he took in a deep breath. "I-I think Im in love with Mikisa." Armin said which made the room silent. "Oh.... okay." Eren said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. His best friend had fallen in love with his basic sister was the concept running through his head. Armin didnt know how make the air nonawkward nor did Eren. "So why do you like Mikisa?" Eren asked "I dont know, shes smart, she is top of the class smart, and she's pretty." Armin said blushing blood red at what he said.

The odd air was broke when Krista began to laugh "Armin you really like her dont you?" She asked watching as Armin nodded "Well then why dont you tell her." Krista said. Armin blushed again thinking about it. 'Tell Mikisa, tell Mikisa, how am I supposed to do that?' Armin thought as he slumped back into his chair. His heart felt like it was going a million miles an hour despite him trying to be calm. Eren was trying to think of ways to help Armin with his Mikisa problem. True he never expected Armin to be one to fall for his step sis but he wasnt angry or thinking of way he'd brutally kill him. Unlike a certain horsefaced asshole that had pushed her around Armin was a gentleman and wasnt just focused on trying to get in a girls pants.

'Yeah maybe Armin would be good for her.' Eren thought as he recieved a text from Mikisa 'Hey do you, Krista and Armin wanna hang out tonight or are you and Krista 'busy' lol' she texted making Eren roll his eyes as he laughed. 'Yeah hanging out sounds good what you got in mind?' Eren asked 'Maybe just hanging out at your place to watch some movies.' She replied 'Hell yeah, can you see if they got Friday the 13th killer cut?' Eren asked 'Ugh okay since your so keen on having Krista cling to you the entire night.' She replied as he put his phone away. "Who was that?" Armin asked "Mikisa wanted to hang out tonight." Eren said "Perfect, me and Eren can go act like we're looking for a blanket and you tell Mikisa you like her after the movie starts." Krista said with that shine in her eyes meaning she was concocting some plan. "So what movie are we gonna watch tonight?" Krista asked watching Eren's grin grow wide. "Lets just say you'll be clinging to me by the end Chi, Chi, Chi, Ha, Ha, Ha." He said making Krista's eyes widen at the realization before saying only one sentence "You son of a bitch."

It was close to dark when Mikisa arrived and Eren had gone to the bathroom to clean up a bit. Krista was brushing her teeth when he came in. She was completely oblivious of his presence but if she had noticed she'd probably slap him. She was in a white tshirt and furry black sleep pants which to Eren made her look even more adorable if that was even possible. Though Eren couldnt help but stare as she was reaching to grab her brush she bent over to reach across the counter giving him a great view of her ass. She looked up briefly to see Eren staring which made her jump and blush. "E-Eren you damn pervert." She said turning around to face him "Hey, aint my fault my girlfriend has a great ass." Eren laughed wrapping his arms around her making her blush even more as he leaned in whispering in her ear "Could be worse, Mikisa keeps pestering me about needing to think about protection." He whispered before nipping the side of her neck. She yelped slightly as she then felt something trickle down her face. With her free hand she checked to see a small bit of blood trickling from her nose. 'Great job Krista, your boyfriend gave you a nosebleed.' She thought as Eren then wiped away her blood giggling "Wow I didnt think that would turn you on that much." He said before catching Kristas lips in a kiss. Krista almost instantly fell into it wrapping her arms around Erens neck. Eren wrapped his around her waist before both teens deepened the kiss causing Krista to moan into the kiss. This only urged Eren on as he picked her up sitting her on the bathroom counter allowing her to lean back against the wall. Unfortunately they were only human so they had to break the kiss to breathe.

"Why... does she think we're gonna 'do it'?" Krista asked "Not until we're ready baby, she's just wants to make sure we're careful." Eren said as the door bell rang. When he opened the door it wasnt what he expected. Mikisa wasnt happy, she seemed panicked, her eyes were red from crying and she looked like she was gonna be sick. "Mikisa whats wrong?" He asked "Its Levi... he's in urgent care." Mikisa said making Erens eyes widen. Levi and urgent care were not two words you'd hear in the same sentence. Their whole life he seemed almost indistructible, unhurtable, to imagine him in urgent care was hard to comprehend. "What happened?" Eren asked "I dont know, Petra called saying that Levi had been hurt and was being taken to the hospital." Mikisa said  "We need to go to the hospital." Eren said as Armin and Krista got their jackets on.

The rain hammered the vehicles as they pulled into the parking lot. Quickly the group of teens ran inside where Petra stood pacing back and forth biting away at her fingers. It was a nevous habit she developed as a child and had dropped it ever since she met Levi. So it was clear how worried she was as Mikisa walked up to her holding her hands to keep her from biting thwm anymore. "Aunt Petra we're here." She said as calm as she could before Petra broke into a sobbing mess. "Why didnt he tell me?" Petra asked "Told you what?" Mikisa asked "That.. he saw Kenny." She said sobbing into her neices shoulder. But everybody froze when the heard the words they prayed not to hear. "Doctor his heart stopped." A nurse yelled followed by the sound of the heart monitor going flat.

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