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It had been months since Freddie and I had our famous argument

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It had been months since Freddie and I had our famous argument. The one that somehow convinced me to begin college. We did however decide I would wait till next fall semester. Which means now all that was standing between me and college was a few weeks. I was nervous but I was also trying to take in my last bits of summer. I always loved summer. However it did make me miss North Carolina. I missed surfing and tanning on the beach.

"What's on your mind?" I looked up from my coffee cup at Freddie and realized I had zoned out.

"Nothing." I smiled briefly before taking a sip of my latte.

Freddie rolled his eyes dramatically and gave me a look. "Love, I know something is on that pretty mind of yours. Something always is."

I sighed and look out the window as of something outside would tell me how to organize my thoughts.

"I miss North Carolina I guess." I looked back at Fred afraid he would appear hurt by my comment but he wasn't. Sometimes I was afraid he thought I still wished I had gone back, I hoped he knew I didn't regret my decision to stay.

"That doesn't seem like what's really getting to you, Ella," he said with a less eccentric tone than usual. This time his voice was sincere and honest and down to earth.

"Freddie do you ever feel like a part of you is missing? Like it's somewhere else. Stuck in a different universe or time and you don't even know what part of you is missing so you have no idea how to get it back." I pleaded with my dark brown for Freddie to have an answer to my question. I hated when I was the only one what felt a certain way. Freddie was the most empathetic human I had ever met. So if he couldn't find a way to understand, nobody could.

"Ella I'm sure it's just because you haven't found all of yourself yet. Your career and your soulmate. Those are pieces of you and you're right they're stuck in a different time. That time is the future, my love." He reached over and grabbed my hand.

"I just need to go to the record store and hide for the rest of my life," I said slightly sarcastic but also with a hint of truth.

"You're like a broken record darling."

"How so?"

"Constantly repeating the same boring life everyday. You need something more."

"Not everyone lives an extraordinary life."

"Oh, but you will, my love."

I smiled and nodded and for the first time I believed it. I was going to have an extraordinary life. I had Freddie and I had a want to be something, to be someone. I made a silent promise right then and there rang I would life an extraordinary life.

Repeat // Roger Taylor Where stories live. Discover now