Love is Blind

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Early in the morning Jennie woke up and rubbed her eyes as the sun hit her, what the heck?! Well I'm sorry but curtains doesn't work these days. Anyways Jennie sat up and wore her fluffy flipflops it was designed with kitty ears not real kitty ears but like it has kitty ears on top, after wearing her flops she immediately stood up and walked out of her room to see the maids preparing breakfast already.

"Is the guest awake?" I asked and the maid shook her head, 'well I'm sorry... but I need to wake you up before I go to my office.' She thought as she walks in the guest room slowly, he was sleeping peacefully his white shirt tightly wrapped around his well-sculptured body making his abs visible, jeez that's just too tight for him. She sat on his bed

"Jungkook... Jungkook." She whispered slightly shaking him but I'mma tell you he didn't actually move because he was too strong his body was too sturdy.

"Jungkook-ah." She tried again this time shaking him harder, and this time it made him groan

"What?" He asked annoyed he remembered  the last time he slept no one woke him up not until his alarm clock did.

"Who are you? Why are you in my house?" He asked still not awake, he's still in Wonderland 🙄.

"Jeez, you suddenly have amnesia. Oh, how I hate those people." But then by the lass voice he remembered everything and realized everything he shot his eyes open and Woah! He saw a glimpse of light. What just happened? What, Jennie suddenly became a cure of people who is blind?

"Jennie, I saw a glimpse of light." He said in shock, Jennie stared at him ready to laugh

"No I'm serious as fuck right now, dont even think of laughing 'cause I'm gonna get offended." He added and Jennie held her laughter even more

"Okay then... By the way Goodmorning and breakfast is ready." She said helping him stand up well, he actually didnt need therapy anymore he just needs someone to take care of him for 2 and a half months.

As they reached the dining room Jennie made him sit down first before making herself sit

"You sure dont need company on eating?" Jennie asked and he nodded

"I'm still breathing so yeah" He cooed making Jennie look confused

"And your point is?" She asked, her fork hanging on her left hand.

"How am I still breathing if I didnt know how to eat after almost 5 years of living alone with a not-so-working eyes." He snapped

"Well, maybe your past girlfriend helped you." She replied and Jungkook smirked

"Which past girlfriend? I had like 6." He stated making Jennie gasped and make her eyes widen

"6 girlfriends?! Such a playboy." Jennie stated disappointed to the man she's talking to right now.

"What the fuck?! I'm not a playboy... I only slept with 8 girls including my 6 girlfriends already." He cursed making Jennie's eyes widened even more

"What the fuck?! 8 girls?! Holy Shit! Your not just a playboy, you're an asshole and a jerk not to mention a fuck boy." Jennie cursed back making Jungkook scrunch his nose, he could hear the maids fighting for the urge to laugh at Jennie's reaction making him wonder 'How many maids does she have?' 'Cause he heard like 20...

"Cursing doesn't suit you, you know that?" Jungkook stated, easily taking another spoon of his breakfast

"I know... But, seriously are you that bad? 'Cause if your that bad I regret helping you." Jennie joked earning a laugh from Jungkook

"Aniyo, Tzuyu was my second girlfriend... When I was in Busan I had an ex girlfriend there but we broke up since we both knew we only used eachother for our own needs like you know--"  Jungkook cut himself off as Jennie fake gagged.

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