chapter twenty three- im getting better

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well, today is the day i get to go home. theo even went shopping and brought me a whole new outfit to go home in.

the outfit included new skinny jeans that were a dark blue/black colour with diamantes on each edge of the pockets with little rips along the front legs, pruple nike blazers as purple was my favourite colour, and a purple plain top to go with the purple blazers on my feet. the only thing that wernt new that i was wearing was my underwear, socks and one of theos jumpers..and even that was purple. so comfy too.

"you excited about coming home ruby?" theo asked smiling. he was happy that he could both say 'coming home.' we both were.

"i sure am" i giggled kissing him on the cheek. then the nurse come in coughing as if to very rudely interupt us.

"i just have to sign you off then you can go ok" she nearly shouted being a bit snobby i thought.

me and theo looked at eachother and grinned. theo grabbed my bag as i got up off the bed and started walking. i had lost so much weight the past 6 months. i now weighed 8 and a half stone, losing nearly two stone after not being able to eat properly. but that was all behind us both now, and a fresh start was needed, for both of us.

after being signed off i could go home. we got into the car and theo put my bag in the boot so it wasnt in the way. i looked back out of the window as he started up the engine, driving away. i was so happy to finally be out of that hell hold that i had no freedom in.

i felt theo put his hand on my leg.

i looked at him and smiled.

"so, i think this is the proper time i ask you to move in with me" theo giggled.

"oh wow, are you serious?" i grinned at him.

"of course im not, i just wanted to see your reaction...of course im serious ruby! so, will you move in with me?"

"of course i will baby, but, wont it be hell carrying everything upstairs from your work?" i said straight faced.

"oh yeah, about that..."

before he could say anything else we pulled into my drive. he got out and grabbed my bag out of the car.

"about what theo?" but he didnt answer.

"THEO" i shouted.

"ill tell you in a bit, got your keys? ill tell you when we get in ok!"

i sighed and grab the keys from theos jumper that i was wearing, unlocking the front door and walking in. i didnt miss this place at all. it was all the same. it didnt have the welcome home feeling at all. it was the same way i left it. tidy. dusty though, because i hadnt been here for a long time. months actually. it made me cough walking up the stairs. all the curtains and blinds were shut so there was no light shining through. i wernt even going to bother touching them after the dust they had gathered.

i turned round to face theo.

"so? about what?" i asked, hoping id get an answer this time.

"well..." he looked down to the floor.

"well what theo? youre scaring me now!" i started getting impatient.

"okok, calm down ruby, its nothing to worry about. ill tell you calm down." he said as i sat down on the stairs. theo came to sit on the same step so i moved over.

"basically, you remember nathan? from the resturant yes? well, be brought half of it, and he now has the apartment that was above it. and, i went and brought us a three bedroom house. it isnt the biggest. nor is it the most nicest. but its a house. i spent a bit of time whilst you were in hospital decorating it. getting accessories for it too. it looks kind of presentable now. well better than before. im just getting a concervantry built at the moment. yeah thats basically it..for now"

"oh my goodness theo. really?"

"yes, really" he laughed.

"wow" i was quite litterally speachless then.

"well, did you expect that at all?" theo smiled at me.

"not the slightest bit." i leaned in to kiss him.

"enough of this" he giggled. so did i. "we need to start moving this stuff"

"what? now?"

"well, yeah.when did you think we were going to do it? next year?" he giggled again.

"no, just not today. i dont feel 100% still, can we not wait."

but before anything else was said, theo was on the phone. i was listening to it.

"yeah, ok bro. when? 10 minutes? ok cool. see you in a bit, you know where it is right? alright see you in 10" then he put the phone down.

"and..who was that?" i asked raising one eyebrow.

"ohhh that? that was nathan, hes gonna be round to help me move the stuff in 10, so you best go get the kettle on" theo laughed.

i shook my head. "what you call him for?"

"you said you didnt feel 100%"

"so you though youd call nathan?"

"well, yeah basically. gets the job done quicker ey" he winked.

i rolled my eyes and got up to put the kettle on.

"where are you going?" theo shouted down the hall.

"you told me to put the kettle on didnt you?" i replied confused.

"oh, yeah" he laughed. i tutted and went to make two coffees.

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