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*sunday evening*

"lily, have you finished packing? dinners almost ready" my mum asked.

"yes mum. i'll be down in a minute"

after i finished unpacking i got down the stairs and into the dining area.

"hey, good evening mum,dad,where's andrew?" andrew is my brother older than me by 4 years he is now managing our business and has a beautiful girlfriend named emma.

" He is in a fixing a problem at the company." dad said.


"9:00 don't be late we'll pick you up" el called telling me that my things will be picked up at morning by 6:00 then eleanor will pick me up.

actually sophia is the only one who has a driver's lisensce and considering me and perrie are only 19, eleanor is lazy to get one.

"but that's too early el" i groaned

"oh cmon lily! we'll be there at 9:00 okay? love you lils"

"ugh!! you girls are lucky that i love you"

*monday morning*

i woke up at 7 and realize i forgot that the movers will get my things at 6.

"omygosh!I forgot to-" i screamed then stop when i looked around my room no boxes to be seen.

"hey goodmorning sis!" my brother andrew said standing by the door .

"don't worry i already gave your things to the movers and its pretty heavy" andrew joked.

"wow! thanks bro!" i got off the bed and hugged him.

after having a chat with my brother i decided to shower.

after showering i took the clothes that i prepared last night, skinny jeans and a hoodie with toms.

"Do you really wanna live there?" my mum asked while me,dad and andrew are standing at the driveway.

"yes mum.but i'll miss all of you ofcourse" i answered then giving them a hug.

"Lily!!!cmon!!get inside the car,sophia and el are getting emotional watching you and your family!" perrie shouted.

"ok,ok" "bye mum dad andrew,i'll miss you all but don't worry i'll be visiting over sometime"

"goodbye mr and mrs. collins , andrew.we'll take care of her" perrie shouted while the car starts.

*in the car*

"i came in like a wrecking ball! ... all i wanted was to break your walls all you ever did was wreeeeck me" perrie and eleanor sang.

I was sat between perrie and eleanor while sophia is driving and sat in the passengers seat are our two dogs boston and clark they're 5month old huskies,boston has brown fur while clark has grey fur.

Sophia decided that we should get a dog so it could guard the house while we're away,so we all chipped in money and bought em.


"lily!!! Are you finished yet?" el asked from downstairs.

We arranged our house,we have our own rooms btw.

"yah give me a minute"

We are currently at the kitchen,sophia cooking our dinner.

"semester starts 2weeks from today.. Ugh! I hope we make new friends?" el said sipping some of perrie's coffee

"hey!thats minee el! .. Don't worry we got the boys around us to give us a tour" . Oh so the boys and us are at the same university.

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