Chapter:2 Meeting of the Princesses

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Hey guys i will still be working on this chapter if you have any suggests for this chapter post it in the comments below and thank you eaglepaw54 for letting me put luna's family in my book and some ponies i won't be able to say what they look like because i can't remeber what they look like at the top of my head meaning i have to read a description to put it down but not always.


        As Masterninja and his squad landed they were met with ponies in armor standing read to fight them as the guns were raised Masterninja walked up front and said, "Stand down we are allies not the enemy." As the guns were lowered a pony taller than the others walked up and said, " I am Princess Celestia I am sorry but we thought you were the enemy for we have been attacked twice already.". "Shit Blood Raider is here okay it looks like we go to get everthing ready to defend and protect this place and drive those bastards out of here.", said Masterninja who started running to the wall. Right as it looked like he was going to hit the wall Masterninja jumped and landed on top of it the others followed to pulling out his scanner Masterninja said, "Alright team we don't have much time till the Blood Raiders attack again lets get those turrents and rail gun turrents up now." nodding the squad put up the turrents to use just in time too as the last turrent was built the Blood Raiders attacked.

        Loading his m16 Masterninja yelled, "Get ready to fire on my mark." as the enemy got closer Masterninja yelled, "GIVE THEM HELL!" and bullets filled the air. Charging at the enemy Masterninja fired his m16 hitting every cock-sucking Blood Raider asshole square in the head looking to his left Masterninja saw Nightshadow doing the same thing but charging at the enemy and firing her Stoner 63 lmg taking the enemies down fast. "Dam she is good at fighter.", thought Masterninja running out of ammo for his m16 Masterninja pulled out his scrambler pistol and kept firing as turrent kept on shooting at the enemies then they retreated. Walking back Masterninja saw that Nightshadow had captured an enemy troop and was hauling him to our landing spot walking over to her Masterninja asked, "Let me guess you are going to interrogate him aren't you.". "No you are.", said Nightshadow. "Wait me!?", said Masterninja helping haul the prisoner.

        "Yeah I heard you would interrogate people and they would tell you.", said Nightshadow, "Well yeah but you don't know anything about how I interrogate.", said Masterninja rolling her eveys Nightshadow said, "Whatever just see what he fucken knows." "Okay i will jeez.", said Masterninja getting the bastard up just as they got him over the wall a pony walked up to them the pony was a dark blue color, had wings and a horn, and its mane and tail were flowing even though there wasn't any wind and the tail and mane were the color of the night but a lighter blue.

        "Hello heros my name is Princess Luna you have already met my sister Celestia she raises the sun I raise the moon what is all this stuff you have put up in Canterlot which is me and my sisters home?", she said, "Well Princess Luna this is our defenses we put up to protect this place." said Masterninja walking over to a turrent, "These are called rail guns and those over there" pointing over to another turrent "Those are called machine gun turrents both types never run out of ammo.", said Masterninja. "Okay well thank you for helping protect this place there is some more ponies you must meet that are important.", said Luna. "Okay well first I got to interrogate this bastard.", said Masterninja kicking the prisoner looking at the prisoner Luna said, "Okay later than." and headed back to the castle.

        Putting the prisoner in a chair and tying him up Masterninja asked, "Okay why the hell is Blood Raiders attacking this planet?" laughing the soldier said, "You should already know why and i will never say.", looking at the soldier Masterninja uppercutted the bastard causing him to hit the floor. "I will ask again why is the Blood Raiders attacking this planet.", Masterninja asked again this time a little pissed off and went over and grabbed a can of gas and a rag, "Ha you think you will scare me into telling you.", the soldier said looking at the gas can and the rag. "Listen here you little shit...", said Masterninja in a very pissed off voice picking up the soldier and slamming him into the ceiling, "You better tell me or the last thing you will see is your heart being ripped out of your chest and into your eye balls." than he dropped the bastard on the ground face first. "Okay okay I'll tell you the Blood Raiders are attacking this place cause of one of there princesses and her friends wield something so powerful that we will win.", the soldier said shaking. "That is all I needed to know.", said Masterninja and headbutted the soldier knocking him out. Walking out of the building Masterninja was using for an interrogation place when a 4 year old colt ran past him almost knocking him over, " Hey watch were you are going", said Masterninja, "Whatever.", said the colt.

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