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H'S Pov:

I was sweating like crazy, but I had to do this I had to win this tournament! The ball was at least 1 foot away from the hole.

I tap the ball gently with my puck. (Ball goes in) I see my boyfriend holding a sign that says GO LIAM! He runs from the audience and tackles me to the floor, I had won first place and won my first tournament! he gently pecks my lips he has the most biggest goofiest grin on his face its contagious!

We go home and I realize that it is Zach's last day in Chicago. I start sobbing and he comes running up to me saying what's wrong. I tell him it's his last day.... he grins at me I ask why he is smiling he asks if he could move in! I smile and say yes! We get a one way package delivery for his stuff back in Canada.

6 Months Later

(Zachs Pov)

Me and H have been going strong. You know I never really beloved in fairy tales but I guess I found my prince and my happily ever after!!!

Authors Words

Hey guys so here is a gbomb hope you like it I love gbomb. Can anyone tell me what's going on between Bayani and shep or Bayani and kiingtong! if u know please tell me, anyway hope you liked it plzzzz leave comments and what you want. I have no comments!! MAY THE ODDS BE EVA IN YOUR FAVOR GOODBYE


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