empty words

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you look cute today.


sorry i don't say enough it's probably because i don't love you.

are you mad at me?

no, just tired.

i use to love you, but that was before i thought i had to love you and before i had to kiss you and before i had to look you in the eyes. now it's all have too's i miss the wants, but i guess that's what happens when you're terrified of breaking fine china.

im so happy to see you, feel my heartbeat; its going crazy for you.

wow, it's fast.

i lied. my heart never beat for yours. my heart never loved your heart, but it did love your freckles. i've always thought they made you look innocent.

i want to hold you.


what else can i say?

do you hate me?


i really don't hate you, i just can't be your ribs, your lungs, your kneecaps, and elbows. i hate the fact that you're asking me if i hate you. if you can't trust me then you don't love me and we don't love each other, at least i'm not lying to you. you're suffocating on my dusty words, that's why i try to say as little as possible. i've always thought suffocating was the worst way die. maybe that's just because i've been drowning my entire life.

look i made you a bracelet. want to wear it?

sure, i guess.

i can't break up with you, i can't tell you why. im thinking i'll get better soon. maybe i can be your ribs.

i love you so much.

oh, i like you so much too.

you never said anything back to that, im sorry i can't lie to you and make empty promises of love. i don't think i can be your ribs anymore.

you're so beautiful.

you are too.

i think you really are beautiful. i think your almond shaped eyes are beautiful and the way you search the halls for me is beautiful. especially when im purposely avoiding your eyes in the hall and you still find me. you'll always find me. but you've yet to pull me out of the labyrinth.

im so happy you're my girl.


i think only silence will follow my "ohs." i said i don't love you and i meant what i said. it isn't my place to love a boy that smokes tea and drinks tears. you're too sensitive and im far too homicidal when i get less than ten hours of sleep. so stop loving me because every word i've said to you is empty.

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