three legged heart

457 31 6

i've been limping pathetically on my three legged heart for a month now and i do not know how to turn any of this into poetry. i do not know how to tell you that like fingerprints at a crime scene i am evidence of your carelessness and how that feels.

i can tell you that you would do well to remind yourself you don't invite boys with pretty faces to share a bed with you. they'll only hog the covers and leave early in the morning, pressing a kiss to your temple. i can also tell you to stop jumping to conclusions, just because he drives you home every night does not mean he's in love with you.

i was treated like fine china until he realized my spine was not aligned correctly and my hands are always cold, and before i could get out with only minor injuries he'd already left me in the sink like a pile of dirty dishes. i used caution tape as gauze to bandage all my ripped pieces he left as reminder that i am weaker than i promised everyone.

i swore i would never allow myself to be stomped on by boys with brown eyes and soft lips, and somehow i convinced myself i was invincible and i could survive you. but i was wrong and this three legged heart - with its missing piece, it's missing leg - feels heavier than ever. my days are more of red eyes and keeping up false pretenses so you can still believe i am as invincible as i pretend to be.

i do not know how to tell you how to survive with a three legged heart.

this is old but idk what to write anymore who i really care about is impossible to write about but it's whatevs take this old poetry i wrote for my creative writing class lmao yikes

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