Not everything's just as it seems!

Start bij het begin

"Guys! I know this is hard, but we need to help him as hard as we can. That what happened in the past, yes, it was all our fault. But we need to leave the past behind and look in the future. Nate was lucky that NateMare didn't kill him or something like that." Hunter brings all of them back to the reality.

"Hunter's right guys. Forget the past, it's Nate's life that is important right now!" Brett adds.

"I could watch on him the most time. I life with him in one house anyways. It shouldn't be a problem." Cristina smiles slightly.

"Alright, we others can visit him, whenever we can. We will take care of him as best as we can." Shawn smiles and all the others do the same.

"Did the doc say, when Nate wakes up?" Alex glances at the piece of paper to find some informations.

"She said that he already "is awake", he's out of the coma, but he's still sleeping, he should wake up within this hour." Hunter answer and pulls the page in the pocket of his jeans.

What they don't know, is that Nate isn't only sleeping. His first bad moment already begun. He's having a nightmare.

I'm sitting on the ground. Tied up with ropes around my chest, wrists and ankles. A nasty headache and the ropes that burn my skin, make this thing here to my personal hell! I'm blindfolded and my mouth is gagged, I only see pure darkness.

I don't know what happened...I was walking through a workshop with my axe as my weapon, I found it somewhere in the workshop, and then suddenly I got a hard hit on the back of my head. 

The last thing I saw, was a man with a mask...a mask that looked like Bendy...the ink demon. He had a piece of metal in his right hand...probably a hammer or something like that. But his voice and the last words he said, are freaking me out, so calm, so friendly, but most 

"Rest your's time for bed." the words are still in my head. They are echoing through my mind.

"There we go now...nice and tight..." a voice, right in front of me, pulls me out of my thoughts. It's the same voice that I hear before.

"We wouldn't want our sheep roaming away now, would we?" the voice ripps off the blindfold and I blink a few times. The room is lighten up by little candles that are standing around me. I look up and see the person in front of me. My kidnapper.

He's wearing trousers with braces, with little smudges of ink. His arms and his entire body is covered in ink, but it only comes to his shoulders. His neck and head aren't covered. But instead of the ink, there is a big wooden mask, a sloppy painted Bendy face on it. His mouth cut open out and I can see the kidnapper's dark brown hair a bit. 

"No, we wouldn't..." he has my axe in his hand, playing with it like it's a toy for little kids. I still can't tell who this man is...his voice seems familiar to doesn't sound sound normal, like this is a normal human.

"I must admit...I'm honored you came all the way down here visit me..." he lets out a little shuckle of happyness. Does he really think, that I came here because of him? I was invited don't even know how I got here...but everyone was talking about, that a man called Joey Drew, invited me...but my memory is blurry, I can't remember the beginning.

"It almost makes, what I'm going to do, seem cruel." I start to struggle, while turns around and leans the axe against the pillar a few meters behind him. 

"But the believers, must honot their savior. I must have him notice me!" he turns around and places himself again in front of me.

" look familiar to me...that face..." he leans his head closer to me. His mask is almost touching my face. I can feel is warm breath, coming out of his mouth.

Music Videos can have a deeper meaning, you know? (NateWantToBattle story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu