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She doesn't really know how other people spend the day. But she has seen her mother's lovers spoil her with gifts from all over the world.

And she wants that.

Maybe not the gifts. But she wants the safety and happiness they provide. She wants to smile and laugh too.

A nail digs into her chin, making her wince before she relaxes her expression. Her mother stands in front of her in a silk robe. Her hair falls down in waves over her shoulders. Emma has never seen a woman more beautiful than her mother.

And Emma has also never seen a woman crueller than her mother.

Her jaw aches as she stares at the floor, heart thudding against her chest. She wants to run far, far away. Someplace where she can live peacefully. She's so tired of being scared all the damn time.

"It's Kevin's birthday as well, Emmalynn. You'll do well to remember that. Now let him get his present while I get ready for a special day."

Emma barely manages to hide a wince as her mother's nails dig harshly into her chin once again before she goes into her larger than life bathroom.

Kevin Hawthorne is the youngest lover Emma's mother has ever had. But he is cruel like all the others who have come and gone before him.

Emma looks up with a hateful gaze and Kevin comes to stand in front of her. The pleasant smile is replaced with lust as he looks down at her before cupping her face.

"I wish I could have all of you, Lynn." He removes the towel from his waist, making Emma look away in disgust before he pushes her back on the bed and climbs on top of her. "No teeth, Lynn. I'm not merciful like the others."

She squeezes her eyes shut.

You've done this before.

It'll be over before you know it.

"You're so fucking beautiful. Maybe that's why your mother keeps you locked up--ah--" he grunts as she retches, pushing further down in her throat. "--sorry, Lynn. That's it, beautiful--"

He seizes her wrists as she tries to push him back. Her eyes are forced open, almost bulging out as she struggles to breathe.

"Shh...you've done this before. Breathe through your nose, Lynn."

She has no choice but to do as he asks as humiliating tears run down her temples. He gives one final push before coming undone on her face.

Emma grits her teeth before pushing him away and running out of her mother's bedroom.

Her bedroom is hidden away in the large house and she is grateful for that. Only her mother's closest friends know where it is and come here for some entertainment when the party outside gets too boring for them. It's actually a big supply closet -- except, her mother has only her live in it.

It's a safe place most of the time.

Emma likes that she can't hear what's happening outside when she's in her room. She hates noises. She cleans her face in the sink, gritting her teeth and struggling not to cry. There is no point.

Underneath her blanket lies a battered storybook. Hansel and Gretel. Her mother has a large library upstairs from which she has almost read all the books but the children's storybook is her favourite amongst all of them. She picks it up for the millionth time before getting lost in it.

Once upon a time a very poor woodcutter lived in a tiny cottage...


Emma woke up with a start to see Kevin sitting in front of her with a grin, holding her book in his hand. Momentarily forgetting what her mother will do if she misbehaves, she yanked the storybook back, clutching it to her chest.

Kevin chuckled, lifting her into his lap and leaning back against the wall.

"You're so fucking beautiful. You'll make me go crazy, Lynn."

She sits there stiffly, letting him play with her hair and give her kisses. He always comes over when her mother leaves. She's terrified one day he'll go beyond what he has already done.

"You gave me the best birthday present, you know that? I can die happy just having that...should we die together, Lynn?"

He suddenly turns so she's on her back on the floor and he is on top of her. His hand clasps around her throat in a firm hold. Her eyes widen, sudden terror seizing her heart as he applies pressure, a faraway look in his eyes as he stares into hers.

"Let's die together..."

She pushes at his shoulders, struggling to breathe and afraid if she struggles more she'll accidentally scratch him or something. Her mother would be so mad.

She'll kill Emma herself.

There's something about this situation that makes her want to stop struggling and let him do whatever he wants. As the years pass by, her life would get worse. She knows it. So why is she struggling?

Black, sinister spots dance in front of her eyes as she stops struggling, feeling the strength disappear from her body. He kisses her lips, biting and pulling.

And abruptly he stops before getting up. She wants to cough badly but it's hard to do anything so she just lies there, trembling like a leaf as he goes out of her room.

Kevin has the alarm system on his phone so he knows when someone comes into the house and when someone leaves. It comes in handy for when Emma's mother comes back from her meetings.

Her lovers are always very devoted to her.


Emma's mother ignores the marks on her neck as except there's a look on her face that says she's not mad. She pushes a plate of waffles in front of her before Emma can grab an apple and make a dash for her room.

"You can spend the day in the library."

Emma blinks. Once. Twice. And then beams, sitting on the bar stool with a nod. She's on her last Encyclopedia now. It's so interesting to know all that she can. After Hansel and Gretel, Encyclopedias are her source of happiness.

Her mother leaves after eating her boring breakfast. Toast and coffee.

Today is turning out to be good.


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