August 1st

12 0 0

Me: Hello :)

> 30 minutes later <

Stranger: Who is this?

Me: Oh you probably don't know me. I just like to text random numbers. You know, make new friends :)

Stranger: Okay, that's really strange.

Me: Don't judge stuff you don't understand.

> 10 minutes later <

Stranger: Whatever then.

Me: So how are you?

> 13 minutes later <

Me: Okay, either you're ignoring me, or you're just taking forever to respond.

> 45 minutes later <

Me: I just wanna talk to somebody

> 15 minutes later <

Me: What's your name?

Stranger: Why the fuck do you wanna know?

Me: Calm! I asked for your name, not where you live!

Stranger: We have the same area code. Do you know who I am?

Me: Well, if you told me your name, maybe I would. I just typed a random number with my same area code on it.

Stranger: If I tell you mine, you'll tell me yours, got it?

Me: Got it.

> 20 minutes later <

Stranger: Ace

Me: Shit

Me: I actually do know you

Ace: Not surprised. Now tell me your name.

Me: No thank you

Ace: What?

Me: You read it clear! No thank you!!!!

Ace: You said you'd tell me yours

Me: Yeah but I never promised I would. Plus, there's a chance you'll know who I am and I'm not risking that!

Me: Well, there's a small chance you would, but still!

Ace: Is this a fucking joke?

Me: No! I didn't think I'd be talking to Ace Walkers!

Ace: Okay now this is getting ducking creepy.

Ace: Fucking*

Me: Nice. Autocorrect.

Ace: Shut up

Me: We go to the same high school, ok, now that that is clear, I'm gonna go to bed now so goodnight Ace!

> 2 hours later <

Ace: Don't text me again

Me: Aww don't be like that

> end <

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