Chapter 1 On December

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Whenever a story starts, it would always start with an once upon a time... then there will be a good ending. That's what I've always heard, but I knew there wasn't. I knew because I've heard so many-
That so many people are blind to.
I've waited, and waited for people to fully understand my story, but so many failed, so little time was given and so I decided  to create something creative that will only last for a mere second or so. What it needed was Blood... I wish I forgot how to kill.


"When was the last time you saw or heard from Anastaisa?" An CCG in his mid-twenties asked an women older then him. "W-well... Anastaisa said that she was going to go out to meet up with some friends... And me not caring at all, just let her go! I think she got abducted or maybe eaten by an Ghoul! She didn't anwer my calls or texts either!" The women sobbed, a tissue in her hand, she wiped the tears away, folded it again and blew her nose then succeeded in throwing the used tissue into an bin. "It's okay Ma'am, we will find your daughter..." After the CCG finished asking the women questions he left and vanished into an alleyway, the women looked at where the CCG vanished at sight, she thought he was edgy but nonetheless, he promised her to get her daughter back. The women closed the front door and walked to an bedroom that used to be occupied. There she opened the door slowly and flicked the light switch on, there she saw an ordinary looking room. She walked towards a nightstand that was next to the bed, there picture frames of her missing daughter and her and her father were together, in their daugters favorite Cafè, Anteiku.

"There!" An low ranked CCG pointed at a figure, the figure wore a black tuxedo like suit The figure wore a black cat mask- There wasn't any need of explaning he was dressed in all black with an sexy hairstyle of your choise/imagination. The figure had an young girl on his shoulder, she had the most angelic face and an -hairstyle of your choice- with bright blue eyes, wearing an Faded yellow jacket over an white shirt with blue faded jeans and an red scarf that was obviously homemade. The girl was pale, shuddering from the coldness. The figure got an small blanket out of nowhere and puts the unconscious girl on the ground then wrapping it around her, looking like an sausage roll, then carried her again. "Hey! Put the girl down!" An CCG spat, venom clearly in his voice but it didn't seem to phase the figure as he only smirked. He started running towards them at full speed, while the CCG got their weapons out and slashed at the figure when he was close. The 3 low ranked CCG's legs felt weak, and suddenly they collapsed to the ground in an unbearable pain, screaming in agony as their legs were smoothly cut of them. This could attract Ghouls... their eyes widened as they scrambled to get out of here, but it was too late as a group of ghouls slowly emerged from the darkness, running towards them like wild dogs And started ripping and chewing their flesh like they haven't eaten in ages. Even though the CCG's were screaming in agony, the young girl still didn't awake from her slumber, she still slept. The figure was surprised but glad that she didn't wake up. He continued to his destination, without getting interrupted.

The girl
Was Anastaisa...
Abducted on the 1st December.
She will miss Christams...

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