I look at Chaeyoung and she was still lying flat on the bed. She sleeps on her stomach, revealing her bare back. It was only the thin blanket covering her upper body since I didn't bother dressing her again after throwing her blouse on the floor last night.

It's still early. Time is pass 7:30 and we will leave later at 9.

I went to check the food they served and think for a moment.

If Chaeyoung is still sleeping and the food is here.

Wait! Then how this food get inside? Did she let the staff inside with that state? I mean, she's half naked! WTF Son Chaeyoung?! This girl seriously. Aish! What would the room service personnel think seeing her half naked? I'm sure all of the staff know I'm staying in this hotel and is using this room. Then they will see a naked girl sleeping on the same bed as mine...


I don't feel good about this...

I rush to the bed and slap her butt. "Hey coward, wake up!" Don't expect me to be sweet today. How could she act so recklessly?

"Hmm... I still wanted to sleep." She responds in a raspy voice.

"Tsk. Don't act as if you're tired. You sleep at me last night. You have been sleeping for almost 11 hours now, so get your ass up this instant." I crossed my arms.

She moves, lifting her body. She sat up, facing me. She rubs her eyes cutely and looks at me with confusion. "Why do you sound so upset? What did I do wrong? I did nothing." She pout.


"That's it. You did nothing!"

She chuckles a little. "Are you upset that I didn't do it?"

"I'm not upset." I defended.

"Your voice and face are telling it. You're upset, Mina."

I didn't respond right away. We just stare at each other for a moment.

I put my arms down and sigh. "Let's not talk about it. Get up and take a shower so you can eat breakfast." I left her after saying that to eat my breakfast.

I heard the bathroom door shuts. I sighed.

I shouldn't get upset. I don't think it's a good reason to be upset. If I stay upset just because she left me hanging, expecting. I don't think that makes sense. Hearing her response was enough. I shouldn't have told her to prove it. I don't know what was I was thinking last night. It's too early for us to do things like that. I mean, it could have gone wrong. It could have made things awkward between us. I'm still not ready either.


Let's take it slow, Mina. If you don't want to lose her... Let's take it slow.

I don't want to make her uncomfortable around me. I can be reckless and unstoppable sometimes. I do things on my will without knowing her feelings.

It's a relief nothing happened last night but I don't know what makes me upset.

I can still clearly remember her eyes last night. It was filled with lust but it stops middle way. Her confident gaze suddenly turned into fear. I cannot be sure what was running inside her head at that time.

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