Oof! That's a harsh one, I just shrugged and Sun looked at Neptune with disapproval and shock...and slight betrayal.

Sun: What!? No way!

Neptune: Then don't get caught.

Ow, Neptune musts till be salty about Sun spitting on him... makes sense.

Sun: Cold man, Cold.

I chuckled as Sun took a different route then me, last time he took the same route after I did the girl thought he was going to come from that direction and spotted him...he couldn't steal for a month...now that I think about it he got a lot thinner that month....but they supply food at Haven? What the heck Sun?

Neptune: Think he'll get caught?

Y/n: After last time...Nope. He got slapped so hard he blacked out for a while, I remember having to drag him because you wouldn't touch him after that girl spilled her ice water on him.

Neptune chuckled nervously and I smiled a dark smile, he knows what's coming and I can't wait. Sun took his chance as Blake turned the other direction to sprint past her so fast that she wouldn't be able to catch his scent... that's the thing with Blake, you're too slow and she'll pick up your scent, so speed is everything. Blake jumped as Sun jumped into a store and hid for about five minutes while team RWBY got slightly upset and started checking around for any culprits, they haven't noticed us yet which is good, none of us have been caught by team RWBY because we'd get our asses handed to us... and that is a very unpleasant experience. As Sun finally stumbled back to me and Neptune I smiled and pat him on the back.

Y/n: Good job, you thinkin who I'm thinkin for Neptune?

Sun: Weiss?

Y/n: Yup. Punishment?

Sun: Hm...Ice water?

Y/n: Nah, how about no goggles for a week?

Sun: Ooh, that's cruel. What did he do to deserve it?

Y/n: Remember when that girl knocked you out after spilling her water on you, I had to drag you back all by myself because Neptune wouldn't touch you at all.

Sun: Oh man, I can see why, I'm pretty heavy.

I nodded my head and we turned towards the very pale Neptune.

Sun: You're up dude, good luck with the ice queen.

Y/n: *Snickers* Yeah, better hope she doesn't freeze him in place with her ice cold glare.

Me and Sun highfived and chuckled while Neptune snuck off, as he slowly took a different route I new this was going to go south really fast.

Y/n: We need to hide, we all know that stealth approach never works in this game if there's a group.

Sun nodded in agreement and we started walking in different directions, groups get found easily, but if we're separated then it's harder to find all of us. Once we were hidden I saw Sun, he's in a trashcan on the second floor while I'm on the fourth floor of the mall standing by a clothing shop. As Neptune turned around I activated the walkie-talkie I set up by them when I ran Incase this happened, I saw Sun doing the same. As he was right behind Weiss she abruptly turned around as his hand was right by her butt.

Weiss: What are you doing!?

Neptune: Uhhh, I-, We, Uh!

Yang: What!? Were you the one doing this!? What the hell!

Neptune: N-No! It's just a game!

Blake: Game?

Neptune: Uh...

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