Chapter 6

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Previously on friendzoned: 

"Oh. Well I might need some help with the set know.." he said nervously.

"Can I help? I'm actually looking for something to do" I said and smiled

"Yeah" he said and smiled back. No, actually, he smirked. This guy really has perfect timing. The sun is shining directly into his face making his eyes sparkle and his complexion glow. His eyes are brown but in the light they are green.


Cole walked like a boy. He has that boyish walk you know. His hair is covering the top part of his face. 

"Hey I have been thinking, I need you to be in one of the pictures" said Cole, poinint at me

"What?" I said with my eyes bulging out. 


"No!" I said "No no no no no. I-I can't be in pictures. I-no. I can't"

"Why not. You look fine. You look great" He said.

"It's not that. I just don't like to"

"Fine." He said. Oh okay. That was easy. "I just thought maybe the picture would look more alive with a person in it" he said, with no emotion. He never really shows any emotions. 

We walked for about 5 minutes until we reached the beach.

"This would be a good side" I said and crossed my arms. My hair is flowing in the wind and so is my shirt. 

We weere on top of a rock that give the paronama view of the whole marshal area.

I heard a camera snap

"Yep, it deffiniately is" I heard Cole chuckle

"What are you doing?" I asked him. He laughed.

"Nothing" he said. I can't tell if he is being serious. 

"Cole...What did you do" I said. He laughed and took a picture.

"Oh no. You did not!" I said and Cole started running. I ran after him "COLE GET YOUR ASS BACK OVER HERE! I SWEAR TO GOD THAT IF YOU DON'T DELETE THAT PICTURE I WILL-"

"You will what?" He said, smiling with his hands apart, turning around to face me. "You can't even catch me" he said and ran.

I ran after him "Cole!". He was not that fast for a guy. I was very close to him. Then I realize, I was happy. In so many years of studying and being with my friends. This was actually fun. 

I reached him and pull him by the collar of his shirt. "GOTCHA!" I said he but was too quick. He turned around quickly and grabbed both my hands and held me so I can't do anything to him. He laughed. 

We were only less than a foot apart. We were both breathing heavily. We stopped laughging ang just smiled at each other for a while. 

"I'll delete it" he said.

"Well...good" I said. We were still in that position

"Only this one" he said and raised his camera up. I see a picture of me with a mad poutty face.

"Oh my god" I said, embarassed. "Yeah, delete that" 

He let go of one of my arms and used his other hand to grab both of them again. I rolled my eyes. He laughed. 

"Deleted" he said. "I still have the other one"

"Please tell me the other one is not that bad" I said. He is still locking both of my arms. He has a rather strong grip.

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