Eve x Hina

502 4 9

This is my personal opinion pls don't hate TwT thanks~ now shall we start?~ UwU

DISCLAIMER :This is my personal opinion pls don't hate TwT thanks~ now shall we start?~ UwU

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(I think this is the only card featuring them alone together oof)

So,this ship was a request by x_Baby_Princess_x my awesome friend~ UwU

So,about this ship,I don't think I really ship it,mostly because it looks cute (as for any other pasupare ship XD) but I think it just lacks of interaction between the 2 and if it lacks of interaction I already know it's not something I would ship XD

Plus I don't really think their personalities really match but they look quite cute together so who am I to judge?~ UwU

They don't really have any card alone together apart from the one at the start of this page but they are both as a cameo in some pasupare cards but I don't think that counts TwT

But yeah,apart from some ships most of the pasupare ships just lack of character interactions between the 2 and not a really strong relationship but they are mostly cute XD

Also I think I see this one more as a BROTP,honestly I think of a BROTP on almost all Hina's ship's,I just don't think she's very compatible with many people as more than a friend XD

Still,the card at the top looks adorable~ UwU

(No page end card oof TwT)

K,sorry I was on hiatus and didn't keep up this book but oof,idk my health sucks,I have low blood pressure and it's hard to stay awake and not lay down in bed with really low energy so yeah i'be been "busy" in trying to survive oof and I didn't think it was worth to update cause I didn't have my smug Moca vibe,but guess what? I'm back~ ÙwÚ and now,imma rate the next ship~ Sayonara peeps~ UwU

~ Moca_For_President_ out! UwU

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