Hagumi x Kokoro

603 8 1

This is my personal opinion plus don't hate TwT thanks~ now shall we start? UwU

DISCLAIMER :This is my personal opinion plus don't hate TwT thanks~ now shall we start? UwU

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{No end card image cause I really cannot find anymore Kokoro x Hagumi cards TwT}

This ship was requested by CaramalTiger47 UwU

So about this ship I think I used to think about shipping it and I think deep down I still ship it UwU

What I like about this ship is that they are both the genki type so it's a really happy ship and they just look pretty cute together~ UwU

I mean the card I putted up there it's so cute~ OwO

From 1 to 10 I think i'd give it a 7,almost one of my OTPs~ UwU

Since they do look very cute together and I still don't ship Kokoro with nobody else I think I ship it~ UwU

{Pls tell me if there actually is another card with Kokoro and Hagumi in it TwT}

So,idk what to write down here anymore ;w; but still I love rating ships~ it's fun~ UwU also i'm Afterglow dependent,I started rating ships this morning and now it's 6 almost 7 pm and i'm still listening to Afterglow songs non stop XD hope Afterglow is proud of me~ UwU so that's all for this page~ Sayonara~ UwU

~ Moca_For_President_ out! UwU

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