Misaki x Kanon

688 10 20

This is my personal opinion pls don't hate TwT thanks~ now shall we start?~ UwU

DISCLAIMER :This is my personal opinion pls don't hate TwT thanks~ now shall we start?~ UwU

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Thanks to CaramalTiger47 for requesting one of my OTPs UwU

So,I love this ship UwU

What I love about it is probably that Kanon is the only one that has enough intellect to understand that Misaki IS Michelle and often helps her giving her water and supporting her,Kanon is such a sweet baby TwT 

Also I love how Misaki just wants to get out of the crazy band and bring Kanon out too,so cute~ UwU

And the card I putted at the start is probably my favourite of them XD

It's so gay~ UwU

I don't even have enough words to say how much I love this ship~ TwT

So what I have to say it's that they are just so cute~ UwU

Sorry for the 2 hour break from rating but my little sis wanted to play bandori with me TwT and oof she got mad at me cause she couldn't fc Shuwa Shuwa XD TwT rip XD lol still listening to Afterglow songs while writing this~ UwU I love them so muc...

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Sorry for the 2 hour break from rating but my little sis wanted to play bandori with me TwT and oof she got mad at me cause she couldn't fc Shuwa Shuwa XD TwT rip XD lol still listening to Afterglow songs while writing this~ UwU I love them so much~ =w= so,Sayonara peeps~ cya in the next rating~ =w=

~ Moca_For_President out! UwU

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