The Unknown World chapter 3: Elizabeth Walker

Start from the beginning

“Thanks for the support Zack”, replies Aden in a sarcastic tone of voice. Come on let’s get to class”.

Elizabeth turns her head and glances at Aden before entering the school door. Aden and Zack enter the building not long after and make their way to class.

The school bell rings and everyone takes their seats. The first couple periods of class went by without any problems.
The bell rang once more 3 hours later signalling to everyone that it was time for lunch.

Zack and Aden always ate their lunches on the school roof where it was quiet. The two grabbed their bags containing their lunches and began walking through the corridors of the school with the intentions of going to the roof.

“Hey Aden isn’t that Melissa”, Zack says as a cute girl with long, black hair comes walking towards them.
“She kind of looks like the girl I saved last night. Wow I guess she's actually pretty cute”! Now I really want that reward for saving her”.

Although Aden had wiped Melissa's memories he was still curious as to whether she would remember him or not. Aden against his better judgement  decided to call out to Melissa.

“Hey good day Melissa”, he called out casually drawing her attention towards him as the two drew closer to each other.

“Do I know you”, replies Melissa in a baffled voice as she stops to look at Aden.

A girl beside Melissa whispers in her ear softly.

“That’s Aden, he's a violent weirdo who is obsessed with the occult or something. They say he even goes to the park just to beat little children”.

Aden overhearing the conversation between the girls with his super hearing  thinks to himself. Come on that last rumour is just ridiculous. Why would I go out of my way to beat little kids.

“You shouldn’t be talking to him it will reflect badly on your reputation”.
The girl stop whispering and moves away from Melissa.

Melissa stares at Aden with an extremely annoyed look.

“Don’t ever mention my name in your filthy mouth again, you piece of trash”.

Melissa and her friend take a couple more steps down the corridor passing Aden and Zack.

“Does your memory of last night feel a little foggy”, Aden says in a mischievous voice.
Melissa immediately stops.

How does he know I can’t remember everything I did last night. There is no way he could have overheard because I haven’t told anyone.

Melissa now curious turns around once more to face Aden. Aden reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out his cell phone. He scrolls to the picture of Melissa and turns the display of the phone towards her.

Melissa let’s out a loud scream after seeing the photo of herself kneeling on the floor crying. Her friend beside her is also shocked at the picture.

Aden puts away his cell phone with a huge grin and begins walking away.

“Lets go Zack”. 

“What did you do to me”!? yells Melissa.

Aden just ignores her and keeps walking.

“I swear I will make you pay for this”.

“Why did you provoke her Aden, says Zack in a weary voice.

“Cause she's a rude and ungrateful person”.

“But you wiped her memories she doesn’t remember you saved her”.

“That’s true but it wouldn’t kill her to be a little more kind”.

Aden lets out a villainous laugh . She’ll be wondering what I did to her for a long time”.

“If I wasn’t your friend I would believe all the rumours they spread about you after hearing you say that”.

Aden and Zack head to the roof and finish eating their lunches.

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