"Heyy! You can't do that! Can't you take us with you??" Ashido tugged at his shirt, a frown on her face.

"No you pink jelly bitch. Besides, you aren't on the list. And you hate me, right?" Katsuki smirked, even putting an index finger to his chest the same way she did at the theme park.

"L-Listen I'm sorry! I ju-" Ashido was cut off by a finger to her pink lips.

"Shut the fuck up you dumb whore." Katsuki whispered, turning around to follow a very rushed looking man. He was only about 28 and really worried.

"Follow me!" He walked really fast down the hall, Katsuki having to almost run in order to keep up. Turning a corner they stopped at door 21.

"Here you go! Buh-bye!" He dashed down the hall and waved him off. Katsuki could hear down the hall that the Kirisquad was trying to get back there, the woman and Haru shouting at them to stay back.

"Sho?" Katsuki whispered, opening the door gently. It was him, sitting on a bed, kicking his feet boredly.

"Katsuki!" Shoto jumped up and almost tripped, running to Katuski. The rolling stand of medical    things dragging besides him.

"Careful you could probably rip something out if you do that." Katsuki smiled, giving him a big hug.

"Sorry! But I'm so happy to see you! I never knew hospitals were so boring." Shoto smiled. He seemed like he'd never had a checkup or minor surgery in his life. Even Katsuki had been in and out of hospitals despite never being severely sick.  Whether it be relatives or his parents he'd been to hospitals a lot.

"Has anyone else come to see you?" Katsuki sat down on a guest chair, Shoto sitting on his bed.

"Nope! Well besides all the doctors and stuff. Said I had stress induced Ulcers. I'll be here for awhile until they give me medicine and send me home." Shoto already was getting a headache just thinking about going home, not the dorms. Actually home, back to Fuyumi and his father, and of course Natsuo. 

"Wait, actually home?" Katsuki looked worried.

"Yeah.." Shoto also started to worry about the abuse he'd be getting. He would have to try and heal this dumb illness or whatever quickly because whatever his father might do will just make it worse.

"Can't you stay with me?" Katsuki wanted to spend lots of time with Shoto. He was also worried about Summer, what would they do?

"Maybe, have to ask the doctors or whatever." Shoto sighed. "Oh woe! Whatever shall I do while my kind king cannot save me? Shall I disappear in a puddle of my own self-pity!?" Shoto waved a tired hand in the air and dramatically cried out.

The two laughed, although Shoto curled up into a ball and muttered into the bed because he laughed too hard and it hurt. Katsuki apologized of course since he laughed first, making him laugh in the process. They talked for hours on end, it was about 8 pm when Haru, the rushed and tired 28 year old man came in and told Katsuki visiting hours were over. 

"Bye Sho." Katsuki frowned, getting up.

"Hey! Kiss me goodbye!" Shoto at least wanted a peck on the forehead, the kind of ulcers he had weren't contagious so Katsuki would be fine.

"Sure." Katsuki turned around and stood him up, giving him a little peck on the lips and turning to leave again.

"I love you, rest well." Katsuki waved goodbye as he walked out to the front desk. He didn't say anything to the front counter woman as he walked out, trying to find his way back to UA.

"I love you too, Kat.." Shoto whispered to himself, flopping back onto his bed, trying to sleep.

He'd ask the doctors if he could stay with Mitsuki, and Mahru, and of course Katsuki.


I didn't do as much research as the last chapter bc I'm lazy af so like if anything is incorrect tell me and I'll fix it. also I've estimated that it'll take me at least 10-15 more chapters to wrap this up. if not only like 32 chapters will be here. 


I thought it'd be a maximum of 15 chapters no take backs 

BUT HERE WE ARE CHAPTER 24. were actually closer to chapter 30 if you count all the extras like oneshots head canons and others.

sorry this note is so long I love you all with my entire soul and if you deny it I'll literally post a chapter with like 10 pictures of aesthetically pleasing pictures with hearts and shit to prove it. 

T R Y M E .

k bye luv u. uwu

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