"'Different matter'?" Cadence repeated. She's been living in White Tail Woods far too long. Her doctor had given her little news about the outside world in hopes it wouldn't raise her depression more. "What's been going on?"

Celestia fell silent. The last thing she wanted was for Cadance to get involved. It looks as though she's gotten over Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle's deaths, and she intended to keep it that way. If Cadence were to find out about the attacks in Appleloosa, Cloudsdale, and Dodge Junction, she would be more than willing to join whatever plan she had. She had already lost her precious student, she doesn't want to lose her precious niece.

"Princess?" Cadence asked. Noticing that something was troubling her.

The double doors to the throne suddenly slammed open and a guard came galloping in. "Princess!" he gasped. Quickly removing his helmet and bowing his head before speaking once more. "Princess. I've received news that the unicorns you sent to Dodge Junction have returned."

"What?" Celestia asked. Sounding and looking surprised.

Cadence now felt confused. "What is he talking about?" she asked.

"I'll explain everything later." Celestia replied quickly before turning back to the stallion. "Where are they now?"

The guard then swallowed and placed his helmet back on. "Ponyville Hospital. Rarity's been...severely wounded."


"Please! I need to see her!" Spike begged the nurse at the counter. "She's my friend! I must see if she's alright!"

"I'm sorry, Spike." the nurse sighed sadly, "But we cannot allow visitors for her at the moment. She's just gotten out of surgery." The Nurse quickly regretted mentioning that when she saw the horrified look suddenly appear on the baby dragons face.

"Surgery!?" he cried. "For what!? Is she alright? Will she live? Please! I need to see her!"

He then heard the doors open behind him and he turned to see Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle, all entering the waiting room. "Spikey!" Sweetie cried before she ran over and embraced the baby dragon as tears started to rain down her cheeks. "Spikey. What's going on? How's Rarity doing? Is she alright?" she asked worriedly.

"I-I don't know, Sweetie." Spike's voice quivered. "T-the nurse said they just finished performing surgery on her."

The unicorn filly's eyes widened in horror. "Surgery!?" she screamed. "For what!? Is she alright!? Please tell me she's alright!"

"It wasn't for anything serious." the nurse suddenly spoke. "The doctors just had to...reattach and sew up some things."

"Reattach and sew up what?" Fluttershy asked.

The nurse really didn't want to have to tell them. Thankfully, the phone started ringing. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to get back to all of you later." she said politely answering the phone. The group frowned before sighing in defeat.

Just then a pair of double hospital doors opened and a familiar blue unicorn walked out with a sad expression on her face. "Hey! It's Trixie!" Pinkie Pie said while pointing a hoof over to her.

"Trixie!" Rainbow Dash called.

"Huh?" Trixie looked up just as the group suddenly surrounded her. From there they started to bombard her with questions. She felt relatively uneasy and finally yelled, "BE QUIET!" The group finally fell silent and she sighed in relief.

"Trixie. What happened?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"What happened to you and Rarity?" Applejack asked.

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