Chapter One

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There are humans, hybrids and vampires. A hybrid is half-human, half-animal. Humans are the more common being, while hybrids were the rarest out of the three. Vampires were unpredictable, dangerous and usually very beautiful or handsome.

The Midoriya's were both bunny hybrids, with green rabbit ears and fluffy green cotton-tails. The Bakugou's were wolf hybrids, with blonde wolf ears and tails of the same color. 

Inko Midoriya and Mitsuki Bakugou were practically inseparable, even though they were polar opposites. Their sons grew up together because of this, becoming best friends and being almost as close as their mothers. Izuku was bullied a lot since he was a bunny hybrid. Prey hybrids were looked down upon, even though they were rare. The predator hybrids were rarer and more respected, so when Bakugou protected Midoriya, the bullies listened and went away immediately. Some brave ones obviously came back, most of the time hurting the small child before Bakugou saw them. If they hurt him, though, Bakugou would make sure they got what they deserved, and Midoriya was always thankful he had such a great friend. 

There was a school called UA, or the name most called it, Herovania, where all species could go, and it was the best school in the country. Some may even say it was one of the best schools in the world. Of course, it was very hard to get into. However, Katsuki and Izuku were dead-set on getting in. Another thing about the school? If you graduated from there, you were called a "hero" and could have pretty much any job you wanted. That was another reason they wanted to go. It would be hella hard to get into, it'd be hella hard to stay there. It'd be a hella good challenge for Bakugou, and a great experience for Midoriya. 

They agreed that if only one of them got in, there would be no hard feelings, but they hoped that that wouldn't happen. They hoped that they could both get in, and complete the four years together, as they had done for their whole lives.

~time-skip to when they're in middle school~

"Deku, hurry up we're going to be late!" 

"I know, I know... I'm coming!" He quickly grabbed his backpack and ran to Bakugou, who was at the door of his house. 

"You damn nerd... you take forever." Katsuki said to the other, clearly annoyed. 

"I know, I'm sorry Kacchan." 

"Tch. Just try not to do it again." 


They continued chatting about things as they made their way to school. Mostly about All Might, their favorite movie star, and about other random things. 

The two barely got into their seats before the bell rang and the teacher came in. 

The day was a typical school day, boring as usual. They had to suffer, (well at least Katsuki did. Izuku liked to learn useless information.) through their classes. Wen school was over, the two packed up their things and left for their houses, which were across the street from each other.,

They waved goodbye to each other and went to their separate houses. Izuku started his homework after saying hello to his mother. Katsuki's mother yelled at him as soon as he walked through the front door.

"Do your homework!" 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever!"

"Don't talk to me like that!"

"Shut up you old hag!" At these words, Mitsuki walked out of the kitchen and over to him, smacking him on the back of his head pretty hard.

"I told you not to talk to me like that you little shit!"

"Fine!" The boy yelled back, rubbing his head where she hit him.

"Now go do your homework." She demanded, pointing to his room.

"Yeah whatever." He replied, dragging his feet to his room. 

He did his homework reluctantly, then stayed in his room, wondering what it'd be like in UA, when he had a dorm and didn't have to go back to this house with his father, who was rarely around anyways, and his mom. His father was usually at work, and never really had time for family. At least he was around sometimes... rather than Izuku, who's father never showed himself. He shrugged and didn't want to study, so he got up and went to the kitchen to help cook dinner. ((He loved to cook, but he won't admit it))

After Midoriya finished his homework, (he did it pretty fast) he immediately started studying. He only stopped when his mother called him down for dinner. He went downstairs and ate and chatted with his mom.

~Next day at school~

The teacher came into the classroom, sitting down at his desk. "Today you will all write the name of the high school you would like to attend on the slip of paper your classmate is passing around. Choose wisely, and know that there is a chance that you will not be accepted into that school, and that some schools require you to write at least one essay to get in."

The students started chatting after the teacher was done talking, talking about what school they wanted to get into and how close the end of the school year was getting. Midoriya and Bakugou looked at each other, smiling and nodded at each other. They already knew what school they wanted to get into. They both wrote down Herovania and gave their slips to the teacher. They then sat down and waited for the other students to finish writing down their choices and giving their papers to the teacher.

Later, the teacher would take their papers to the office. To the teacher, those slips of paper were nothing special, but to Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku, those slips of paper were the key to their futures.

HerovaniaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora