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Third Person POV

Elizabeth Faith Masen found herself lost and not just in her thoughts. Having just lost her mother and having never known her father other than a picture and a claim from her late mother that he died of Spanish Influenza. Something she didn't know she actually loved music just as much as her father does. She has a gift to write songs and sing. A gift she shared with people making her famous in Chicago but it got a bit out of had when people started showing at her house and taking pictures through the window until her mother had gotten enough and decided to move to Texas where she got sick and died of cancer.

She found herself alone and crying looking at the picture her mother had given her of her father, her mother and herself as a baby in her father's hands. She found herself singing softly softly trying to sing her pain away catching a certain major's attention. He found himself following the broken voice finding a beautiful girl on her knees, he could feel her loss and her pain.

"Are you ok?" He asked her before he even noticed he had making her jump and look up at him.

"No.." She said softly looking at him scared as she saw his red eyes but his beauty had her taken back almost forgetting about her loss.

"What happened?" He found himself drawn to her in a way he never thought possible.

"M-my mother just died." She said blinking all the fear in her had left as he got closer and he felt that.

"And your father?" He asked taking the final step closer to her giving her his hand to help her up something she accepted.

"Dead.. I never really got the chance to know him personally considering he died when I was two." She explained looking in his eyes.

"What's you're name darlin?" Jasper asked in his southern accent taking her chin between his cold fingers. She was so much smaller than him with a height of 5'4 all while he was a solid 6'3.

"Elizabeth Faith Masen." Her voice was almost a whisper as she looked up at him. The two felt that instant attraction and her blood was calling out to Jasper almost screaming, begging him to bite her.

"Well Elizabeth.. I'm Jasper Whitlock." And with that he bit her neck making her squeak then yell at the burning pain in her body and within minutes she was passed out waking up to find herself in a strange place with Jasper sitting next to her.

"What's going on?" She asked him as an insane need for thirst burned on her throat.

"We're going for a hunt." He told her and with that she became part of Maria's army. She had a natural instinct to keep herself alive (Invulnerability) and fighting becoming a close ally to Jasper and the ability of a force field helped them. She could create a shield around everyone in the army including herself. When it was time and Maria had asked Jasper to kill her Jasper felt a pain in his chest, he didn't wanna do it.. he couldn't bring himself to do it and so he convinced Maria to let her live by telling her of the help she could give them successfully convincing her. Jasper had started to feel Elizabeth's jealousy and pain every time she saw him and Maria together and to be honest he had started to fall for Elizabeth herself. Over the years they actually fell in love and decided to escape together trying to keep their hunting to a minimal but the blood lust always overwhelmed them with Elizabeth having a bit more self control than Jasper.

One day going to a cafe they found themselves face to face with a blond guy and a dark haired girl who was surprisingly shorter than Elizabeth. The two gave them a smile and told them that they were waiting for them, explaining how their lives would be with the Cullen's and how they could actually survive by drinking animal blood and so the 4 left to find Carlisle all while getting used to their new diet, of course it wasn't easy specially not for Jasper but they had each other and that's all that matters.

Finally found Carlisle Elizabeth looked surprised at the sight of Edward something Jasper caught and looked at her not understanding.

"What's wrong?" Jasper asked her as Edward read her mind eyes widen not believing it.

"F-Father..." Her voice was surprised trying to process what she was seeing.

"Father?" Carlisle asked, he had no idea Edward had a daughter he had never mentioned her before. Jasper looked back at Edward sensing the same surprise his darlin had before speeding towards her giving her a tight hug.

"You have no idea how worried I was for you." Edward mumbled to her as she blinked.

"I promise I'll make it up to you.. all the years I wasn't there for you I'll make it up for the rest of eternity." Edward continued until he felt Elizabeth hug him slowly, she had finally found the father her mother loved and talked so much about, he had left her and her mother yes but she understood why, it was better for her mother to believe he was dead rather than make her believe he didn't want her and just leave. He couldn't expose what he was to her mother far less to her.. he did it for them than even himself.

"It's ok." She said in the hug which made Edward both surprised but so happy to know that she didn't hate him.

"Just... don't leave me ever again." She said and Edward nodded kissing her head.

"Never." He said as all the vampires watched the exchange with smiles on their faces something good finally came of having become a vampire.. a daughter and a father had finally been reunited after so many years apart and so many moments they could never recover lost in the past ready to start over and make things right without anyone to ever separate them.

So Laura Marano is gonna be playing Elizabeth while Ross Lynch is gonna be playing as Ash Cullen Alice's mate.

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