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Severus stood watching Alexis as she walked along the corridor. He still found her extremely beautiful and wanted her. But he knew he had to end things for her safety.

Severus made his way to the classroom. Alexis was sitting there next to Nova. Severus couldn't count the times he had ran his hands through her long hair while they'd had sex.

Alexis tried to avoid looking at Severus. She knew part of her still loved him and she hated herself for that. She knew she needed to try and get over him and their short romance.

Nova looked at Alexis. "Look. You're going to start drooling if you keep this up," she said.

"Sorry. I'm not with it. I don't feel like writing up essays today. Especially for him," Alexis mumbled as she put down her quill.

Nova could see how much her cousin was struggling with everything. It broke her heart. She knew just what Alexis had been through over the summer holidays.

After potions, Alexis made her way to Transfiguration. Nova caught up with her. "Have you ever thought there's a reason Snape broke up with you?" She asked.

"Oh. I know the reason. He's a git who won't ever find another love like mine," Alexis said as she took off her Slytherin robe.

Nova sighed. She knew her cousin was struggling with everything. "I mean... there has to be a logical explanation as to why he just ended what the two of you had," she said. She knew trying to reason with Alexis Malfoy was like trying to get blood from a stone.

"If he wanted to end things between us then he didn't have to be a jerk with me did he? He didn't have to take me out of potions. Because that's just making things personal," Alexis stated.

Severus looked up as Lucius walked in. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" He asked. He wasn't happy to see Lucius.

Lucius looked at him. "I need your help. I want to keep my only daughter safe. I would like it if you could keep an eye on her and report back to me any issues you think are going to happen," he said.

Severus inwardly swore. He didn't want to spend any time with Alexis. He knew she would make it impossible. "I will try my hardest," he said in his usual drawl.

During dinner that night, Alexis felt eyes gazing into her. She looked up to see Severus looking at her. She turned her gaze away. She looked up at Remus Lupin.

Nova noticed and smiled. "Would you happen to be staring at the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor?" She asked.

Alexis rolled her eyes. "I have to stop falling for authority figures. I can't go there again. Severus was a mistake. A massive one."

Nova looked at her. "You gave him your virginity. You... you were pregnant with his baby," she whispered.

Alexis turned to her cousin and glared. "You can not tell anyone that I had a termination! I would be crucified," she said.

Nova hugged her. She knew that Alexis had a long way to go before she was over Severus. But could someone else fill the void?

Rewriting The Love {A Severus Snape Romance}Where stories live. Discover now