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Alexis looked to Narcissa as she stood in front of her. She frowned. "What do you mean that something happened to father?" Alexis asked.

She knew that she wasn't close to her father. She knew how strict he was over everything. And she knew that he could be controlling and all. But he was still her father.

"He has been arrested Alexis. He is off to Azkaban. He got careless. And the ministry know he is a death eater. I am so sorry," Narcissa said as Alexis looked to her mother in shock.

She sat down and ran her hands through her hair and looked to him and sighed.

"Are you okay?" Narcissa asked as she looked to her daughter.

"I don't know. My head is a mess. I don't know I mean I know all that he has done. But he is my father and the thought of him in there for god knows how long...I just don't know," Alexis said.

Narcissa sat next to her and smiled. "I know it's hard. But it will be okay. I have to find your brother and Nova" she said

"Oh. Nova isn't feeling very well. I'd wait until another time to tell her," Alexis said as Narcissa looked to her daughter and frowned.

She wasn't stupid and she could tell that there was something going on with her.

"Okay?" Narcissa asked as she walked off as Alexis sighed.

Knowing how hard she was trying to cover for her cousin. Yet knowing her mother could read her like a book.


Alexis walked down the hall. She looked to see Severus and groaned. She wasn't in the mood to deal with him.

He walked over to her and grabbed her arm. "We need to talk," he said.

Alexis looked to him and rolled her eyes. "No. We don't. Stay away from me," she said as she went to walk off.

Severus pushed her against the wall. He looked to her. "You're a child. You're a little girl. And nothing more. So don't act as if you're better than me. I am your professor. And I am in charge here. You will do well to remember that," he spat as she looked to him and glared.

Alexis went to push him away. Severus grabbed her arms. He held her to his chest as they looked to each other.

He leant in and kissed her. He lead her into his chambers. She moaned into the kiss as he pulled her close.

Alexis knew how this was wrong but it felt so right. 


Alexis got to Grimmauld Place. She smiled as she saw Nova. She wanted to check on her and see that she was okay.  "Are you okay?" Alexis asked.

Nova looked to her and shrugged.  "What are you doing here?"

Alexis looked to her and smiled.  "I missed my cousin. And my best friend. Plus, stuff is going down with my family. Have you decided what you are going to do?"

"I'm going to have an abortion it's for the best," Nova said as Alexis pulled her into a hug.

But she had no idea how her own life was about to be turned upside down.

Rewriting The Love {A Severus Snape Romance}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora