Not a regular hero

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Sorry, it took me a while. I am really quite busy at the moment. ^^'' Therefor this chapter is quit short but a lot is going on :3 I hope you enjoy. Please support the anime and manga :3 oh and there are surely some gramma mistakes in this chapter and the previous I correct them when everythig is a bit calmer.
I was ispired for this chapter by the picture of this and the last chapter. Credits for the picture to its creator and owner.

Have fun ^-^
Your POV

After your shower you went down to it breakfast. You Both eat your breakfast and Izaya than said, that he had to take care of something and asked you if you would be so kind to sort some things in the meantime and to your slight confusion look up some stuff about snakes, especially well known names. You asked him, why he would need that but he just smiled and said that this was nothing to should bother you. You still asked again and he told you with a sigh that it was something about a gang and that you should ever hear someone call somebody by the name of a snake you should get out of there. A gang that kind of scared you abit. Maybe because of this Izaya did not want to tell you in the first, but he still told you. That meant he wanted to be honest with you.

When Izaya came back he had a smirk on his face.

"Did something good happen?" He smiled at you:" I met my sisters, that was interesting~" he laughed lightly. "You will meet them soon enough." He patted your head and you laughed and hugged him " I missed you" "heh? I was only gone for three hours" He grinned and hugged you back. "come now we are going to visit your mother and do some Christmas shopping."
You put on your jacket and shoes and wanted to go out but Izaya made himself stood in your way. " Where do you think you are going?" he spoke seriously " Out?" you asked confused. "You really have not learned have you?" suddenly there was a scarf around your neck and cap on your head. He also made you were a pair of gloves. "Now this is better~" he kissed your cheek and you blushed. "Izaya..." you mumbled. " I told you I would watch over you, my dear~" He took your hand and you made your way to the train station. He was holding your hand the whole time and even with you glove on you cold feel his warm fingers. You just loved the feeling of his hand in yours. You entered the train station and walk to a train, but suddenly Izaya pulled you into him and stepped aside with you. That happened so fast that you would have tripped if it had not been for him holding you. In the next moment he stood in front of you. "I-Izaya?" There was a man with a knife in his hands. The man look furious at the outside but was that fear in his eyes. Slowly you realized that the man would probably stabbed you if it had not been for Izayas reflexes. "You are either quiet brave or a total idiot. I would say the last~" You heard Izaya say and to your surprise he looked completely relaxed and not in the slightest scared, still some thing told you that inside he was enraged on the inside. " You are called Taipan are you not? I must say I was expecting more from the best killer of the black snakes." Izaya laughed but it was cold. "Seriously, I knew you were there after you startet to follow us at the park next to the train station. Such an amateur" He laughed again contemptuously. You were quite sure his eyes were cold. That man was a killer, he wanted to kill you, finally that thought finally sunk in with the realization that Izaya just saved your life and you nearly died. I whine escaped your mouth. You tried to cover it with your hands, but Izaya still heard it. "Everything is okay, Darling. Take a deep breath. He will not hurt you." Izaya sounded so calm, that it really helped you to calm down a bit. " That was a try by chances? Was it not? You did not even have an idea who I am. Or you would not have been so stupid to try and kill her. You thought I would be going in some state of shock because the girl next to me was stabbed. You could not have any idea that we would come here at this hour. It was by chance that we took this time and you have not been waiting for us. If you had, your clothes would be wet from the snow by now. You just came here too. Dressed in black, with your gang symbol visible. A hood covering your face, tighter with a scarf. Too bad for you that I like to see the eyes of my opponents, so I cut the hood of." It was just then, that you registered the knife I Izayas hand and the hood on the floor. "That I reacted so fast and had a knife to begin with, caught you have guard. Conclusion, you had no idea, who I am~" You could hear the Izayas smirk in his voice. "Then my precious human said my name and you became scared. I can clearly see it in your eyes, even if you try to hide it you are terrified" he laughed again "You are really a joke of a killer" Izaya stroke through his hair, with his free hand shaking his head slightly as if he would feel sorry for the mistake of the man. There had been quiet some people gathered around you by now and you heard somebody call for the police. " Oh how sad. I guess your fun ends early than I would have liked it. But The police is always such a pain." He sighed. "You are Izaya Ohrihara?" The man finally spoke. " You are the info broker who beat up our guys together with the man called Shizuo? .." "Yep, the one and only, Izaya Ohrihara. I see say told you our names and you did well in remembering them~" Izaya took a step to the man, like he was not dangerous at all. A mere toy in his eyes. " So, let me guess, you came here to randomly kill someone to give the black snakes a better reputation in this city. Pathetic. "He was now standing directly in front of the man . " It was a stupid idea to begin with, have you guys ever heard of strategy? I am sorry to tell you that...wait.. I am not. You choose the wrong town and you made an even greater mistake. You tried to hurt my girl." The man tried to stab Izaya " Shut your mouth, who do you think you are?!" the man screamed but Izaya easily dodged him and landed right behind him, his knife at his neck: " I told you already, my name is Izaya Ohrihara, but he this is too hard for your little brain, let it me put simple. I am you worst nightmare~" Izaya kicked him down on his knees and to your shocked the killer was trembling: " one can be this fast..." Izaya just looked down on him, as if he was just thinking about killing him here and now. " Please..please do not kill me..." the man begged but suddenly tried to stand up and stab Izaya again. Yet, Izaya was again much faster than him and had the man pinned down on the ground with the knife to his neck once again: " A hitman begging for his pathetic." Izaya stood up and kicked the man in his sides. The man scream in pain. Then Izaya bent down to him : " I will not kill you, that would end your suffering too easily and way too fast~ I will get the police get you, I will make sure you get into the worst prison of japan and I will make your live there a living hell. There will be people working for me and you will never know who or when, but I promise you they will take good care of you. They will only stop when I think you learned your lesson, on the other side you tried to kill my love, so maybe, who knows I will never make them stop. I promise you will never get out of there. I will not let them kill you, and I will make sure you will not have a chance to kill yourself. You will suffer." " you bastard!" "Damm right, I am and I will make sure you'll never forget."
With this he knocked him out. Then he went to a few guys who look quite strong and gace them some money: " Make sure the police gets him, don't worry I have his weapon and he probably will not wake up so soon." They nodded then turned to the crowed. " I know some of you filmed al this. If I find a photo of me or my girl from this place at the internet or in the hands of the police or spread through the city I will find the responsible and I make sure he or she regrets her doing, did I make myself clear?" He went to you and put an arm around your waist and started walking to a train. " are there no security cameras?" "Not in this area, my precious human." He kissed your cheek " you are safe, calm down, you are a trembling mess." He gently stroke your back with the hand holding you by his side. You got in a train and Izaya made you take a seat than hugged you and whispered sweet nothings to you. Then he smiled kindly at you, as you got a bit calmer and kissed you: " He was not targeting you, just a coincidence. I make sure to get rid of this gang, so you do not have to be afraid." He pulled you in his chest and just stroke your hair. " We will take a bit different way to your mother, with a few more stops, there is no need for anyone to know were we are going. And we will buy a bag for you and two new hoodies for us both in the next shop just in case. I do not want anyone to know where your mother is right now. Also who does not laugh hoodies?" He began to tickle you a bit and you laughed then snuggled closer to him smiling. " Thank-you for saving me, you are my hero." He laughed " Well I am for sure not a regular hero~"

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