I will protect you, always

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Hello everyone, sorry for the time I took, I was quite busy^^''  I was and am really happy about your votes and comments, thank-you so much! If anyone is interested in Dance with the devils or doctor who I wrote oneshots for them too, check them out if you like~

Oh and do not be confused I had to change a few things of Izayas apartment but of course the cool room with all the books and the large window is still the same~

Please support the anime and manga.

Credits for the picture to the creator of it

Have fun :3

Izaya POV

In the morning I woke up with her in my amrs. She still looked tired, no wonder after yesterday. I gently stroke her cheek making sure to not wake her up. "Izaya.." he spoke in her sleep and I could have sworn my cheeks were a tiny bit red. I huffed:" What kind of feared informant are you, blushing just because your girlfriend said your name while sleeping" I muttered under my breath. Suddenly she snuggled closer to me. Then one of my phones began to ring and that damm thing was loud enough to wake her up.

Your Pov

You opend your eyes still tired and confused, was that a phone ringing? Then you heard Izayas voices next to you. " I hope you have a good reason to call me at this hour, you have woken someone, I would have liked to keep asleep." He was obvious annoyed and did not even care to hide it. "Oh so you are sorry? Let us see if your reason to call me is interesting enough to make up for that~" Now that was Izaya " What now? You are afraid to tell me, because if they were about to find out about our little arrangement they would make life a living hell for you? Oh sorry to put it like this to you what is holding me back from just telling them ? That is not fair? As long as you live Iife will probably never be*~ Now you want me to go to hell? 'were do you think I am coming from?*' You know what? I will be nice for once since you did a good job so far, tell me what you know and the black snakes will never hear a word from me about you~ Let us just say they intervened with my business and need to be taught a lesson they will surely never be able to forget." He stayed at the phone for a moment, asking a question here and there or started laughing about things I did not hear then he ended the call. " I love a good party of chess~ You know my dear, 'once you figure out what respect tastes like it tastes better than attention'"* " Is everything alright? You seemed a bit angry?" you asked a little bit taken a back "Everything is alright princess. I was just annoyed that he had woken you up." He gently kissed me. " Do you want to sleep some more?" You shook your head. "Could ..could we visit my mother?" "Of course." He stroke over your cheek gently "But before that we get some breakfast. After we visited your mother I have some work to do, you can help out Nami for the time being and when I am back we can go for a walk if you like." You nodded still a bit sleepy, but the thought of your mother was enough to make you wake up. Than you realized something:"Izaya...is my stepmother still looking for me?" was it even okay or safe for you to be out this much? Izaya took a breath thank gently took hold of your hands:" She is still looking for you but not with the police anymore, maybe she thought it would be too suspicious if her plan works out, which will never happen." "wh..what are you talking about" you interrupted him confused:" When everything gets just back to these d-days wh-why shoul-d the police think a-anything of it?" You realized to the end, that her plan was much worse than that, still you could not bring yourself to except it, to put it into words, instead your stammering got worse. Izaya pulled you in a hug, he had figured out that you already knew. "Sh..sh..it's okay..sh..do not be afraid, I will never let her or anyone else get you..sh..." He rocked you back and forth, whispering calming words to you, " you don't have to be scared, you are save...sh..everything is going to be alright..I have everything undercontroll." After sometime you finally calmed down. Your cheeks burned from your tears and you were still trembling a bit, but your breathing had calmed down again. You were still in Izayas arms and if you were honest you wanted to stay there. In his arms you felt save. " Do not worry about a thing my Queen, I will protect you, always." Izaya Pov I really had hoped to keep this away from her a little longer, but I could not bring myself to lie to her. If I lied who could she really trsut anymore if not even I was honest with her. Now again I am thinking of getting rid of her stepmother, not kill her. My precious human is too innocent to life with the thought that someone was killed so that she would be save. I could get her bank accounts to zero and rid her of her job, but that could have a bad effect on my precious humans father and even after all he did he is still her father and I am quite sure even when she would not admit it right now, she still cares for him. I really have to do something about him being an alcoholic and a broken man. Getting him into a clinic? But that would just work when he would stay there at his own free will. The payment of a good clinic would not be a problem, I could help if there would be any need. Need that reminds me I really should make arrangements that if anything should ever happen to me (y/n) and my sisters would be save and have enough money. I will take care of this today. Oh and she still has to meet my sisters but definitely not today, still I will visit them today for a few minutes. I always have an eye on them, without their knowing making sure they are save but I know that even if they do not always show it they are happy to see me from time to time. Back to the problem at hand, getting the father in a clinic if possible one where he has to stay for quite sometime away from her stepmother and when the father is away and safe, I could actually strip the woman responsible for my precious humans pain off her job and money. The father would get help from the grandparents if needed and as last resort I would be there. I think I will visit him as soon as possible and get things working, still I think he should not see my face and while I am at it I will test how much he still cares for his daughter or if he has to be punished too. I looked down at the young beautiful woman in my arms. I was still stroking her back and hair and she was slowly falling asleep again. I probably should wake her, but I liked to see how save she felt by just being in my arms. Than a wicked grin came to my lips and slowly , very slowly I let my hands wonder a bit to her hips and began kissing her neck. Her breathing caught up a bit and she shivered slightly, while I was searching for a certain spot. I heard a low silent moan from her and chuckled at her neck, having no intention to stop just yet. I found what I was looking for and went to work. She was so focused on my doing it took her quite sometime to realize that my hands had found their way under her sleeping shirt. She was quite red right now, knowing as well as I that he was not wearing a bra. But I just let my hands wonder over her back letting her get more comfortable with my touch. I did not have to look in her eyes to know that she was scared of going further, my sweet human was really innocent. Honestly this was quite hard for me, but I knew it would not be good to take thing too fast too far with her and also I was sure it would be worth the wait. Yet I could not stop me from kissing her deep and passionately. After I ended the kiss her eye longed for more and it took me really a lot not to give in. She was really lucky I have so much willpower. I chuckled lightly and smirked:" Not yet, darling but I am happy to see that you get use to my touch more and more, or should I rather say you long for it? Do not worry I will satisfy your desires at the day you are really ready for it and not just your hormones messing with your head" She got even redder than before. "How cute~" I cooed into her ear and laughed lightly. Now that should have been enough to take her thought away from her stepmother for now. I closed my eyes for a moment content to have her laying in my arms, breathing in the smell of her hair. Then I kissed her hair and got up to take a shower. I came back only in a boxer short and a towel over my shoulders and got what I wanted, she blushed again, even after she had already seen me like this. I smirked knowingly and took a step closer to her until she was against the back of the bed. It was quite how she tried to get away but was not able to look away at the same time, while blushing professionally. I bent down and whispered huskily into her ear " So, you like what you see~" Your Pov You were hold captive by his arresting red brown eyes, as he pulled back again. There could be an earthquake right now and you were not sure if you would be able to look away. Again it felt like he was looking straight into your soul, knowing every single last one of your secrets and being abe to read your thoughts. "My, my, my am really making you that help less? I guess I could do what I want with you right now and here and you would not even be able to struggle, would you princess?" He gently kissed you forehead. " Come now my dear. Take a shower and put on some warm clothing it seems it is could outside. There is even snow. If you are lucky it will last the next few days until Christmas. They are starting to decorate the city today. I honestly still not see the reason why so many countries are celebrating this for their religion but since in Japan it is more like a day for couples and children getting presents I will be happy to celebrate it with you." You smiled at his last words and kissed his cheek after finding the courage to do so. To your happiness he had a proud look in his eyes. Then you realized he said snow and jumped put of the bed, nearly falling In the process, running in the kitchen, while nearly falling down the stairs, if it had not been for Izayas fast reflexes, took a run for the kitchen and out of the balcony. It was freezing could, but there was really snow, you loved snow. Suddenly you felt a warm blanket over your shoulders and were hoisted up in Izayas arms:" Seriously, (y/n) it is way too cold to run out like this, especially in this short clothing and without any shoes. Have you learned nothing from the day we met?" Izaya scolded you and you knew he was serious because he used no nickname and even left out the -chan. You felt like a small child right now and without even wanting to, you reacted like one: " it is not like you would not have been able to stop me" you grumbled slightly but regretted it in the next moment. What if he was angry with you now? I pulled you closer in his warm chest, just now you realized that he only grabed his goat and shoes, but was still wearing nothing more than a boxer short under it and the coat was left open. He must be could too. " I..am s-sorry" you mumbled. "Yes I could have stopped you, easily that is. But who could bring himself to stop someone whose eyes are shining like stars, because of joy and curiosity?" He kissed your hair " (y/n)-chan stop being afraid that I could be angry at you, you are fine." You shivered a bit " Come let us get in the warmth of the apartment again, You are cold and my hair is freezing" You nodded and thought he would let you down, but you were wrong he carried you insight and the steps back up:" We do not want you to fall again, right?" You blushed a bit. In the bathroom he let you down and brought you some warm clothes. "Now get a warm shower, or should I help you with that too?" he had a mischievous smirke but then laughed and patted your head. " I make breakfast in the meantime"

*Izaya qoutes from the anime and manga

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