I would be concerned if you didn't

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Why is this happening everytime @.@ sorry again.... There are again words put toghter that don't belong..I just don't get it .-. and somehow it only least a day later when I correct it . I will do it as fast as possible...Anyways thank-you for reading this far!!  have fun ^-^


I waited and I got what I wanted. She snapped. "You idiot!" She hit with her fist against my chest, but it did not really hurt me. " I-I was so scared. I did not know where I were and it was cold and dark and I got so cold and hungry and thirsty and I am still so dizzy and I was so afraid that you would not come back. That you just left me here for good...." she sniffled but was still glaring at me" I was terrified that strong man would hurt you, you big, big Idiot!"After this she realized what she had said and looked down pretty fast. She also got me of guard. She was scared for my safety. She was the first to every say something like this, while having seen how I act. I mean okay she does not know everything but she did see somestuff. Was I just blushing?! I chased this thoughts out of my mind and was happy she had looked down at that time. "Baka" I said but made sure my voice was soft and caring. "You said you feel dizzy so don't move so much. Come here, you will get warmer. " She did not move closer to me, so I put my arms again around her body and pulled her as close as possible. Her head was against my shoulder as I spoke again. For now she had stopped to fight me back: " I cannot say that I am sorry, (f/n)-chan because I wanted this to happen. I had to break your walls further down and because of this I am not sorry at all. It is still okay when you are mad at me. When you've calmed down we grab something to eat and drink. The shops are still open for quite sometime and you still need clothes. When you do not plan to continue wearing mine. Not that I wouldn't like that idea~" "As you want...just ..just don't leave me behind like this again, please,Izaya" I froze. Was she really already that attached to me and why the hell has she to sound so cute and still broken and weak. I had never experienced anything like this before. Never did this happen to me. No matter what. But now my instincts were crying to protect her.In a quite different ways like I experience it in dosages from time to to my sisters. Still most of the time say can handle everything themselves and they can really be a pain in the ass. That reminds me I have to keep (f/n)-chan as long away from them as possible. Yet (f/n) was different. That was not the same feeling, but it has one clear direction: Protectiveness. I looked at the girl in my arms and did something I normally would not do. It was just to calm her, Isaid to myself but something in side me whispered ' That is not true.You want to do it' I shook the voice of and gave a gentle kiss to her forehead. " I won't I promise." She looked up at me and I could clearly see how she got less afraid. With the fear of being abounded gone she seemed to fell everything else. She trembled really bad. No wonder she was cold as Ice. That surprised me. I really thought my jacket was enough to keep her at least warm enough. She was supposed to get could but not this cold. Maybe her body was still too weak."Izaya?" I heard her whisper and at first I wasn't sure if she even meant to say it aloud. "Mhm? What do you want, Sweetheart?"" I am sorry for yelling at you" I laughed: " Don't be that is a normal reaction from people to my doing. I would be concerned if you didn't". I caressed her hair: " We have to get you to somewhere warmer." She shook her head: " But you are warm. I don't want to move..." Well someone here was tired. " Oh, but you need to (f/n)." I used her first name instead of a nickname to make clear I was serious. She whined: " You are mean... Izaya" She really reminded me at a child now. I had a hard time not to smile over her behavior or tease her:"(f/n)-chan, you are acting likeyour drunk. I know you did not drink a thing. At least not in thelast few hours. Seeing that I watched you all the time without you noticing after getting away from that monster. You are just really tired and the adrenaline from a few seconds ago is gone making it worse. People act like they would, when drunk, when they really have a lack of sleep. So don't worry about it too much. Your body still needs more rest and the cold isn't helping. Let's get you out of here" With out another word I stood up with her on my arms. "Izaya is so warm~" Maybe I should change the plan of going shopping but she needed at least some underwear. Geez... I did thought she was already a bit stronger. Well it seems even gods can miscalculate.
I took her to a cafe. Since I did not want to get too much intention I set her down a street before it and took her hand. It was still pretty cold. I guided her to a desk and ordered two coffees and waffles for both us. She grimaced at the coffee and I smirked. "You will drink it if you like it or not." Than I ordered also some water. Considering a person not used to coffee was more likely to have hydro extraction problems and she needed to drink anyway. She was still looking at the coffee with disgust.


You could not help it. You were awfully tired and just wanted to go home. Also you were still confused from the events earlier and on the top you hated coffee. Still even when you were sleepy as this you knew you needed clothes and had to stay awake.Also you did not want Izaya to carry you again. It was so embarrassing, what when he noticed how fast your heart was beating and then there was his smell. Your whole behavior in this state was embarrassing. Your mouth seemed to talk on his own and your brain was like jelly. "When you don't drink it by choice I make you do it. "You heard Izaya coo by your ear, making you shiver. He brought the cup to your lips giving you one last chance. You had no doubt he would force you to. Even when there were still people in here. He could not care less. Resigning you took a swig of it and wanted to stop, seeing it tasted horrible in your view but Izaya had one of his hands under the cup and kept it in position. You had two possibilities drink or get the coffee all over you. "Good girl"He sang and stroke your hair teasing you: " Was it that hard now?"You wanted to answer say that he should not talk to you like that but when you opend your mouth he scooped a waffle into it. You glared at him but he just loved and smiled like a child which plan worked out." That is much better. Show me what you feel." He smirked when you looked at him dead plane and got really red. When did you start to feel so easy around him? You were supposed to be scared of him. He was dangerous you knew that. The coffee was showing it's affects.Confused with the situation you held some place between you two when you got outside again, but soon started to miss his warm. You tried to hide your shivers but Izaya was like a cat watching his pray: "You just need to come here and it will get better, you know that Darling~" He was definitely enjoying himself. "Heh? Is someone embarrassed and a bit angry because of before?" He smirked his typical smirk. You did not answer not wanting to prove him right. Yes, you were but there was also something else. You were afraid. Not afraid of him even when it would be the healthiest thing to be but scared of your feelings. You really liked Izaya and it got worse with every moment you were near to him. Still there was no way in hell he could feel like this. I did not seem to be the person with such kind of feelings and also he could have anyone he would surely not want someone like you. You were walking trough some shops Izaya did not say a thing. Letting you alone with your thoughts and you were thankful for it. When ever you saw yourself in a mirror you did not like what you see. Suddenly you saw Izaya behind you in the mirror.When had he came into the cabine?! :" My,my, my~ You really are troublesome" Your heart stitched at that " Don't look so sad. All you humans are. Especially you girls when it comes to your body. Don't worry so much about your look, dear. They say everyone has a different taste, and beauty is when you ask me not what really counts. You are what is important. Your whole being. That is what counts. Even so I would consider you beautiful and I am sure I would find many who agree to me." You blushed deeply. Did he just call you pretty? Fast you looked down. Trying to avoid his gaze. " I'll make sure one day you will understand me " You heard him say. At least you thought he said, it was so hushed you were not sure at all." Come, (f/n) since you could not find you looking nice in anything and I knew this would happen. I bought some stuff, while you were dressing. Don't worry it is all in your favorite colors, (f/c1),(fc2),(f/c3), and some black and white stuff. I think I got your sizes right. Seeing what you had worn. I even have some underwear. I am sure it suits you~" You blushed madly. How did he even knew your breast size?! Also it was really embarrassing that he had chosen it. You heard him laugh: " You can also chose somethings on a day when you are feeling better, okay ?" You nodded, still feeling awkward.
When you guys went home you started to freeze again, even when you were now wearing your own jacket a hoody and jeans Izaya had got for you. Of course he noticed and opened his arms: " You know it will be much warmer~" He teased you, again. You looked away from him feeling uneasy. That was when you were pulled to the sight in a warm chest and lost the ground under your feed: " So thick headed my precious human" You heard Izaya play sighed. You were quite sure he was smirking, while you again got flustered and tired to get down,with no effect at all. Still his warm and his steady breath were like a Lu bally to you, soon you stopped struggling and fell asleep. You woke up again sometime after this and Izaya put you down, when you asked him to. You were still embarrassed . Just a few minutes after this you came to the house he got his apartment. In the elevator you thought again about your feelings toward him and with out your intention. You let out a said sighed. You were so confused and at the same time sad, when the thought of him never liking you came to your head. Suddenly your chin got pulled up and you had no choice but to look in his eyes: "Don't think I did not notice your thoughts. Stop thinking so lowly of yourself, (f/n). There is no reason for it "His gaze was directly at you and you felt like he was looking at the bottom of your soul. When you came to his floor he let go of your chin and took your hand. You needed a moment to realize he took you by the sofa and to his bedroom. "I-Izaya?" You asked unsure and a bit afraid. " Don't worry, Dear. You will sleep here for tonight. Did you forget? I promised not to leave you" He teased you again. "Th-that was not meant like th-this" You stammered completely flustered alone at the though of sleeping next to him.


Somuch fun my little (f/n)-chan and she got so red. She was a nervous frack right now and started stammering again. Let's make this worst. I smirked and bowed down to her level, considering she was a bit smaller than me. "So~ What do you mean, dear?" I whispered huskily my lips only centimeters away from her face. She got even more red and tried to back away from me. "Heh? You need to be careful,(f/n)-chan. You are so tired you could by mistake hurt yourself~" I let her back up against a wall, caging her between my arms. She looked flustered and confused, really confused, helpless, also a bit scared. " It's okay. Everything is quite alright, dear. " I kissed her neck softly and placed my chin on her shoulder: "See nothing happened. I won't hurt you. Also I am going to sleep on the couch" I added smirking and looking at her face that was red in somany shades. I chuckeld and pulled some hair back behind ear."Y-you-you don't have to I can sleep the-re." She tired to argue but I silents her with one of my fingers: " Just for tonight. I have still some work to do and there will be light and phone-calls. You need to sleep. I will look after you later, okay princess?" I smiled at her shy nod. Oh there is so much fun ahead. First it is a lot of caring okay, but even this is fun. "Sleep now" I said gently and caressed her head.
Later I sat down on my chair. "So my check-piece is still in hospital. Let's see who is online. Time to fuck somebody of and play with him for a bit. Maybe Celty is online and saw something over aliens again it is always funny when a magicbeing is scared of other unnormal phenomenons." I talked to myself and spinned around in my chair a smirk on my face.

My precious human~ (Izaya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now