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  I'm going to cut straight to the chase with this because I'm done with a few people currently and I need to type this out 👌

  Okay, so I haven't had the greatest day and I need to talk and stuff. When I woke up, I was tired and I wanted sleep. Did I hit snooze? Yes, once. I hardly ever hit snooze. I went to sleep late last night because I couldn't sleep for a while, SO I HIT SNOOZE O N C E; Meaning that I got five extra minutes to get myself up and ready and stuff. I get dressed and I clean my room up a bit. (It was a pig sty, still is) I take our dirty clothes out and pick up all of the blankets and stuff, and grab my things for school.

  I head downstairs to get ready for school, but my mom walked through the door and told me that the cat litter stunk. I told her that I was planning on taking it out after school (which was true and I didn't say it disrespectfully. I wouldn't be typing this if I did.) She told me to do it at that minute. Keep in mind, I haven't brushed my hair or teeth yet. I was supposed to be grtting ready for school.

  I take care of the kitty litter and go to get ready again. She starts yelling at us that we have to go to school and that we need to wake up earlier. I was the last one to get ready, so this was aimed at me. I wanted to tell her that I was late because of the kitty litter, but I was scared that she might have mistaken it for backtalking, so I just quickly brushed my hair and teeth and got into the car. I didn't have time to put on one of my necklaces.

  The school day was better, other than a few things like having my friends leave me behind and one of my grades going from a C to a D+ and I can't change it for two weeks. One of my friends actually came back to school after a family thing happened that I'm not going to say because that is their problem, meaning that it's their decision to put it on the internet or not.

  Anyways, so everything was good, until Sixth Hour. If you guys don't know, I'm a lesbian and I have a friend who is also a lesbian. My last class was gym, so my hands were kind of warm. Hers were cold so I wanted to warm her hands, no homo. We had to walk to the Junior High to get boxes for a project that were doing in math and we were holding hands the entire time, no homo. I heard from behind us, "Oh my gosh! Are they holding hands? Are they gay for each other? Blah blah blah, more things." My friend, my dearest, calm and totally rashional friend, turned around and started to talk to them. It went something like this-

  "Um, what?" My dear friend asked. Keep in mind, she's a little short, but she is not afraid to cut someone, trust me.

  "Oh, are you two gay for each other?" Replied the one who looked like a cake from how much makeup she was wearing.

  "Um no? But I'm a lesbian." My friend responded.

  "Well, I'm homophobic so we're not friends." I swear to you, I'm not making this up. The girl standing next to her, Whatever her name is, said that. She freaking said that. In front of our faces.

  My friend proceeds to call them female dogs and I called them hoes under my breath. A little more about me, I don't usually curse. I say things like fish and heck and frick. Anyways, they get all offended because she called them that (they didn't hear me) and my friend just says that they weren't friends so she could say what she wanted.

  Freaking homophobic people get on my nerves. If you are homophobic and bully kids for their sexuality (I know that this wasn't bullying because it was repeated) and you're reading this, go. Don't read my books, get off of my profile, and don't you dare freaking follow me. This is an LGTBQ+ FRIENDLY ACCOUNT.

  Anyways, I almost forgot that I had Art Club that day, and I had to walk through a few puddles to get back into the school. My shoes are torn so my socks weren't dry at all. I get into Art Club and I star talking with someone who is in the same play that I'm in. She told me that our rehearsal starts at 5 and HAS BEEN starting at 5 the ENTIRE WEEK. ME, THE SMART HUMAN BEING THAT I AM, THOUGHT THAT REHEARSAL STARTED AT 6! WE'VE BEEN AN HOUR LATE FOR THE PAST THREE DAYS AND NOBODY TOLD US! (By 'us' and 'we've' I mean my twin and I)

  That would be totally fine (kind of), except that Art Club ends at 4:30, meaning that we wouldn't have.time to go home and eat food or anything.

  So rehearsal goes and it's fantabulous. Everything is great and I go home in a good mood. I come home and my mom is acting like we were doing something wrong. She was all mad and stuff until she declared that she was going to go take a bath. I talk to my sister and I realize that I never put my phone on the charger last night, so it was 4% when I found it. (It's 23% as I'm writing this)

  I'm in my room and all, I ate food and stuff, and I'm chilling. My sister called me downstairs. When I went, she showed me that my freaking cat chewed up my freaking necklace and we couldn't find the charms for a little bit. We do find the charms and I go upstairs, my day now ruined.

  I was so excited when I got home because Rehearsal and Art Club cheered me up. My play is tomorrow and we also do it Saturday and I was so happy and releaved that our work would be put to good use. I came home and all of that was gone. Now, I'm sitting in my room and just typing everything out.

  By the way, I'm publishing this unedited because I don't care right now so if there are any type of errors, please point them out if you care. You don't have to, it's not your job. Anyways, thank you for reading.

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