"You know what, it doesn't matter. Forget it" Louis said with a sigh and turned to walk away, but was prevented from it when harry caught his wrist and spun him back towards him.

"Louis- your not seriously jealous right now? Of Jack, of all people? You've got to be kidding me" Harry scoffed out, not believing his own words.

"Who said I'm fucking jealous? Of your little play toy who just happens to look exactly like me?" Louis asked in a sarcastic tone, pasting a fake smile onto his face as he spoke, shrugging his shoulders.

"Louis the last time I fucked him was way before the reunion! Before we even began speaking again. We broke up, I don't see what the problem is?" Harry shouted with a confused look on his face, using his hands to emphasise his statement.

"I know that! I fucking know that harry! I know that we broke up, I know that it was all my damn fault, I know that I have no right to be angry, or jealous, or sad. But I fucking am and I can't help it! I can't help that I get jealous when my boyfriends rebound is stood there, looking just like me, talking about how you fucked him and eyeing you up the entire time! Kissing you on the damn cheek and purposely trying to get under my skin. I can't fucking help it harry because I love you and I can't stand to be around someone you replaced me with while we weren't together!"

Louis ranted, spilling all the thoughts that were inside his head while standing in front of harry by a busy road where anyone could see them. He couldn't stop the words from coming out and didn't even notice the look of realisation smear across Harrys face, followed by the look of pity and empathy.

"Oh lou. I never replaced you. I couldn't, nobody could replace you. Not jack, not anyone. Don't ever think that okay. Yeh, you made shit decisions back then, but that couldn't make me replace you. He was just a bit of fun to take my mind of you for at least a night. But I guess it didn't really work, because all the while I was thinking it was you, because like you said, he looked so similar" Harry said in a softer, more gentle voice as he hesitantly reached out and brushed the hair behind Louis' ears before cupping his jaw and holding it in his large hands, staring him in the eye to get his point across as best as possible.

Louis just stared back with wide eyes, his mouth parted slightly with regret. He regretted ever blaming harry for this when he was the one who was being a prick. He hadn't even considered Harrys feelings during hiatus and he couldn't really blame him for finding a rebound, it was only natural.

"I'm sorry Haz" Louis whispered, shaking his head as he looked down at the ground, mentally cursing himself for making such a big deal out of nothing.

"It's okay, I understand where your coming from" Harry replied with a small smile.

"No, it's not okay. I made a big deal out of nothing and was being dramatic as per usual. I think, he just got under my skin, that's all. I would have probably understood more if he wasn't fucking with me the entire time" Louis said with a bitter tone.

"I'm sorry about him. He seemed nice when I first met him, but I didn't realise he was going to egg you on like that. I knew he would do something, after telling him about you, but that's just- not what I was expecting I guess. I really am sorry on his part, I understand why you got so angry, I would have too if someone was blatantly flirting with you like that" Harry said with a small chuckle.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows at one thing though. What was harry saying about him?

"Jack, he hinted that you weren't saying pleasant things about me. What was that about?" Louis asked hesitantly, staring with wide innocent eyes up at his boyfriend who suddenly tensed around him.

"I-Uh, when I first met him, I was having a really bad time. I drunkenly told him what had happened between us and may have talked a bit of shit, but he knows how I really felt about you, seeming as I told him that when I was sobered up. I'm pretty sure he would tell you all about it if youse had gotten on anyway" Harry said whist scratching the back of his neck, a guilty look in his eyes.

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