Part XXVII - Alive?!

Start from the beginning

We all looked down.

I felt guilty.

- This will be a great shock to them if you go there. It's your choice.
- Maybe it'll cheer them up to see that we're alive!? asked Tsuyu, panicked.
- Mmmm, indeed. You can try. You'll see.

He took a sip of tea.

- They are currently on the training grounds number 14. You're in this class anyway, so you have permission to go.

I stood up and so did the others.

- Oh! One last question, students.
- Hm?
- This resurrection quirk, it caused your skin to decay, right?

I widened my eyes.

- H-how did you know?
- I had a similar case once. Keep bandaging them. Recovery girl can't heal those, surprisingly, so there's nothing to do.
- Ah, ok.

I turned away and walked out the office.

- Good luck!

The principal waved at us with a smirk as he closed the door behind Tenya.

- Let's go to the training grouds #14 then!

Shoto said that as he started walking with energy towards said grounds.

- How is he so energetic, I'm about to pass out, said Ochako as she sweat dropped.
- Same, answered Momo with a yawn.

We walked to these training grounds. We passed in front of the other classes as discretely as possible to not alert them and finally got outside.

I pulled over my hood and pulled up my mask, the others copying my moves.

When we arrived there, it was pretty lively. Then I noticed it was quirk training, meaning they were on their home trying to improve the strenght of their quirks.

Aizawa was sleepily watching over them from the sides with All Might and Present Mic.

I looked at All Might but all I felt was guilt.

Guilt for what everyone suffered when we "died".

- I-I dunno what to do, said Tsuyu.

I continued to look at the students, but I failed to notice Aizawa creeping up on me.

He grabbed me by the throat, leaving everyone surprised, including me.

I was gasping for air as he held me up in the hair, his eyes trying to find mine under the shadow of my hood.

- Who the fuck are you and what are you doing here?

I struggled. I couldn't even speak. He let me go.

I stumbled back, Shoto catching me as I held my throat. It surprisingly didn't hurt. As I raised my hand to it, I felt a liquid on my hand.


- Answer my questions. What are you doing here and how did you manage to get in, Aizawa said as he wrapped his cloth around us.

Nobody struggled.

- Mr. Aizawa! It's us! Shoto shouted as he pulled his hood down.

Aizawa's eyes widened.

- W-What?! How the hell are you alive?!
- We'll explain, continued Ochako.

We all pulled our hoods and masks down. I could have sworn I saw a gleam of relief and happiness in Aizawa's eyes.

- Stay here.

He let go of us and walked over to Present Mic and said something to him.

Then, Present Mic used his quirk and screamed "TIME OUT! EVERYONE COME HERE!"

Our classmates looked at him in confusion before walking up to the teachers.

All Might said something to Aizawa, with confusion as well.

Then, Aizawa started speaking.

- I can see and know why your motivation to work is almost nonexistent but you have to still give it your best. As a hero, situations like this WILL happen. You'll have to remain strong.

He took a deep breath.

- But luckily for you and everyone, we were wrong.

Everyone was confused now.

- What do you mean sensei?! asked Mina.
- Are you telling us that we were lying about their deaths? asked Kirishima, a little mad.
- Don't fuck with me, said Bakugo angrily.

Aizawa sighed.

- Yes, they are alive.

No reaction.

- Stop fucking with me!! Bakugo continued lighting up explosions.
- Calm down Young Bakugo.
- Then stop fucking lying!

All Might looked panicked and confused by what Aizawa said.

- What are you saying Aizawa? They saw them being killed, this can't be true.
- You don't believe me?
- Give us some proof! said Kaminari.

Aizawa turned to us. The other 17 pairs of eyes did too.

- Come out. You've got a shit load of explaining to do.

I sighed and pulled my hood over. I walked into the sunlight, the others following me. I pulled my hood down gradually as we made our way there.

Everyone was shocked.

- What the fuck?!

Bakugo immediately jumped on me with explosions. He pinned me down, as I was not quick enough to move away.

- Why the fuck are you here you nerd!? I saw you die! I SAW YOU DIE!

He had tears in his eyes as Tenya tried to pull me from under him and Kirishima tried to pull Bakugo away from me.

- We'll explain! Stop it! shouted Shoto.

Bakugo was now struggling in Kirishima's grip, tears in his eyes.

Everyone looked at us with either sadness, worry, shock or relief.

- Explain. NOW!! screamed Bakugo.

I sighed.

- Alright...

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