Chapter 13

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~Troys POV~

She seemed worried. Me, Zoeys mom, and my mom, have been planning to have PewDiePie come to Zoeys birthday party by paying money, lots. I've gotten PewDiePie's email, and number. I payed some people to get some information off of him. I think she thinks I'm cheating on her, does she really think this low of me.

Her mom is "working" while she's secretly at my house. I hear the doorbell. I run downstairs and yell "I'll get it" since the moms are figuring our financial buisness for PewDiePie and stuff, even though both our moms are rich as ever.

Zoey is at my door. I guess she's making sure I stayed home and didn't go to some other girls house. She asks to come in and I panic, making her probably think someone is in my house. I told her to hold on so I could ask my mom.

"Run!" "Zoey's here!!" Everyone frantically ran trying to hide Natasha (Zoeys Mom). Natasha hides in the basement, and I go to the door and apologize to Zoey and let her in, smashing my lips into hers. She looks shocked, that was a time saver. I had to save time for my mom and Natasha to hide. I take Zoey up into my room, texting my mom telling her to run Natasha outside, so I could give Zoey a tour. I heard the door, in relief I signed, laughed, and hugged Zoey and came up with a "I love you".

I started the tour with upstairs, and made our way downstairs, giving my mom some extra time to figure out where to hide. I told Zoey my mom went for her daily run. But seriously, my mom running? Yeah right. She won't even run to the store if I'm hungry, and she does that driving!

Zoey said her house is bigger and laughed. I gave her some chicken wings. I felt bad for scaring her, even though I do have something to hide from her. My mom called and told me to cook some food, so when Zoey finally leaves I can give Natasha and my mom some food. Sometimes I miss dad, I drove him away, even though I hated him.

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