Chap4-The tournament

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Glen charms the crowd into coming to the tournament to watch. After the Queen gets away with Rick and we follow Glen. "So how's this thing going to work?" Ana asks. "It's gonna be a one on one brawl. But I'll tell you all the juicy details later." Glen said picking up the pace.

He leads us to a building with many beds and people already in them. "You guys can sleep over their when it's night." Glen points to mattresses on the floor. "What do we do now?" Nick said. "It just turned noon and you gotta be here in six hours so go have some fun." Glen said walking over to people destroying their mattress.

We leave the building and ponder on what we should do. We agree to all go our separate ways and meet back here. I turn around and look at the weird building we came out of. "The building? That name is terrible." I murmur to myself. I turn back around and see everyone is already gone. I feel something ruffling in my pocket and I remember Snowflake.

I go over to a secluded alleyway and let her out. She grows to full size almost squishing me. "so what can you do?" I said moving past her tail. I feel the air get colder and try to move but I slip. I look at the ground now covered in ice and I smile in amazement.

Me and snowflake spend hours going to alleyways and seeing what she can do. Hours pass and I run into Joselyn who doesn't seem too happy to see me. She drags me back to "the building" building and Snowflake shrinks, slipping into my pocket again. "We were supposed to be here thirty minutes ago!" She complains to me. I get dragged in and see Scott fumbling with the D.L. "Missing something?" Scott throws the D.L to me.

I put it back on and notice how tired I am. I lay down on the noisy mattress and shut my eyes. I wake up with back pain and something in my hair. I grab the object and look at it, it's Snowflake. I lay her back down and stretch my stiff body. I notice the others still asleep and decide to pay a visit to Glen.

I knock on his office door gently, trying not to wake everyone. It opens and he pulls me inside. "Good morning Pace Charles!" He signals me to the seat. "Good morning." I greet him back. I look around his office and notice how clean it is. "Well you wanted to ask me something, correct?" He said biting his pen.

"Yeah, I wanted to know what this surprise was if we win." I blurt out. "Ah the classic if. I can't tell you about what you'd get cause then there's no surprise." "Then can you at least tell me how the tournament will work?" "Look, I know you're eager but you gotta wait. In fact I was gonna tell everyone once they woke up so let's do that.".

He walks over to a speaker and talks through it. I don't hear anything coming from it but outside I hear shuffling. I open the door to see everyone with their hands on there ears. "What the hell was that?" Ana complains. "It was the wake up call people!" Glen yells. After everyone settles Glen calls out for attention.

"Now listen up, I'm only saying this once. The tournament is two parts, the one on one and the team battle. First, your picking teams of four and after you do that you'll be put into a bracket. If you're facing your teammate it'll be a tie. Once at least two teams are out we'll start the team battles." Glen informs us. "So how many teams should their be?" I ask.

"At least six judging theirs around twenty four of you." Glen said. "Twenty four?" I think looking around. "There's only twenty three of us!" someone calls out. As we all look around Rick barges through the door, covered in sweat. "Sorry I'm late. Ran into some trouble." He said panting. "Well someone will inform you about the rules but now everyone get your teams!" Glen orders.

Everyone scurries around trying to find people. "Well who should go with who?" Joselyn asks. "Rock paper scissors?" I shrug. "Okay people! I made the list of teams." Glen said stapling it on the wall. I walk over to it in surprise. "Jack, Ana, Scott, and me." I read. "I never agreed to that!" Ana huffs.  Glen makes his way over to us, chuckling. "Listen I knew you guys would have trouble, seeing you were uneven. So I got Rick to help me make the teams." Glen whispers to us.

Glen instructs us to follow him and we head to the arena, where I can already hear the crowd. We get there and Glen runs up some stairs. "All of you go through that door." He said closing the door behind him. Time passes and nothing really happens. People start to get anxious but an echo blares in the arena.

"The contestants today are from around the world eager to battle and to gain the prize of a lifetime! Be sure to give them a big warm welcome!" Glen said into the mic. Everyone walks through the door and lights blind me.

I open my eyes and see the people cheering for us. "Let's do this." I smirk.

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