Poorly Stitched Together

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When Izuku finally woke up, he was in a brightly lit room. The walls were pristine, and from what he could see, he was the only person in there. He tilted his chin down and pain shot through his mouth, his eyes going fuzzy from the pain. Groaning, he rested his head back down and closed his eyes, wishing he really had died.

"Oh, you're awake." An echoey voice rose from Izuku's left. He opened his eyes as a dark foggy figure walked in front of him. "Shigaraki asked me to watch over your recovery, young Izuku. My name is Kurogiri."

"Where is...ah, my mom?" It hurt so much to speak, even slightly moving his jaw hurt. Izuku tried to move his other limbs, but it either caused pain or was unable to move at all.

"She was informed about the situation, and I will call her once I am done speaking with you." Kurogiri pulled up a chair from the corner of the room and sat down. He then pulled a singed notebook from his pocket.

"Oh, thats, ah, mine... Mr. Kuro... Kurogiri." Izuku coughed roughly and winced.

"Ah of course. We found it near you after you had fallen." Kurogiri opened the notebook and carefully flipped through the pages. "There's a lot of information in here. Lots about heroes." He looked up. "Your mother said you have more of these, full of the same." A more sinister tone crept into his voice. "This could easily fall into the wrong hands you know."

Izuku coughed again, trying to hide his nervousness. Who was this Kurogiri? Why did he show such interest in a Quirkless nobody? Tears began to fill his eyes. "I don't, agh, know what you want....want to do with that... or me. I'm just-"

"Quirkless. Yes, your mother told us." Kurogiri stood and set the notebook on the table in the room. "I spoke of the wrong hands Izuku, because those same hands have a proposition for you. You are broken right now, suffering from ill fate. But if you do not feel that living this life is for you, me and my colleagues can change everything."

Change everything? Izuku mulled it over. His life was torn to shreds now, a Quirkless nobody who even failed at trying to kill himself. Kurogiri said he could change it all, but how? And he said wrong hands... could that mean villains wanted him?

"I will explain more. I know someone who can give other people Quirks. All that we ask is for you to join us and assist us. You're already so smart, Izuku. We need more people like you."

Izuku narrowed his eyes at Kurogiri. A chance to change his life, but at what cost? Never becoming a hero?

"You would have to give up becoming a hero. But see, isn't it funny how we villains have more use and desire from a Quirkless person who's been physically broken? Your mind is perfectly whole, and that is really all we need. Think carefully Izuku." Kurogiri walked to the door of the room and left, leaving Izuku to think it all over in peace.

The next few days were filled with visits from nurses, doctors, his mom, and Kurogiri. The days went by and the pain and stiffness in his body lessened. Izuku could sit up and move about the room carefully, using chairs and tables for support. He would often look in the mirror, looking at the scars and cuts and bruises that still laced his skin. One eye was still swollen, with a scar across it. There were more scars on his face, especially his jaw. Even now it hurt to talk and eat, and he had found out why. He had broken his jaw when he fell, and it was healing poorly. Offset slightly, the doctors said his speech wouldn't ever be the same. Scars covered his mouth like shoelaces, the real damage on the inside. It was clear he would never walk normally either, the broken bones remaining frail.

Kurogiri was surprisingly good company. The two often talked about Izuku's life, how he felt about the cruel world. Every time he would bring up the villains' offer, and every time Izuku would ask for more time to think. Kurogiri was patient and answered all of his questions, even explaining about All for One.

Izuku's mother was frantic the first few times she visited, worrying about this and that. She fretted over his healing and diet, but eventually settled down into just talking about how Izuku himself felt. She explained that Kurogiri had told her he had found Izuku outside the school, broken and bleeding. She said that Kurogiri must be such a good man to take him to the hospital, as well as come in when Izuku was bored to chat.

After many days of healing and visits, Izuku was told he would be released soon, but expected to stay at home, using minimal effort. Kurogiri showed up after the doctor had left, sitting in the nearby chair.

"It seems we won't be speaking for much longer Izuku. You'll be discharged to go home and live with your mother. I know we gave you a long time to think, but my friend Shigaraki insists that you won't choose our side." He tapped his finger on the table. "I just wanted to visit one more time, just to see what you would choose."

"About that." Izuku moved to the edge of the hospital bed, dangling his feet over the side. "I've heavily considered what you said and promised. I've traced my scars over and over, hoping that they would disappear and I would have a normal life again. You said I could live normally, with a Quirk, no less." He scratched at his hand, across a scar, then balled his hand into a fist. "Kacchan told me I was useless, that I couldn't be a hero. I suppose he was right, in a way."

Kurogiri leaned forward. "Does that mean..?"

Izuku lowered himself to the floor, holding on to the bed for support. "Yes Kurogiri. I wish to join the villains."

Thank you for reading! I'll be trying to keep uploading like this. Expect the parts to be longer!

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