Leap of No Faith

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TW: Suicide

"Why don't you just jump out the window and do everyone a favor?" Bakugou smirked. His goons laughed, surrounding Izuku in a vortex of taunts. Izuku held his ears, desperate to drown out the sneers and jabs. Tears started to form in his eyes, but he couldn't let Kacchan see.

"Whatever, you dumb nerd. You're just a Quirkless nobody anyway, Deku." With that final insult, Bakugou tossed Izuku's notebook out of the open window. He laughed and left the room, leaving Izuku to scramble for the window. He watched as his notebook hit the water of the fountain. His tears flowed freely now, emotion clogging his throat.

Maybe Bakugou was right. Maybe he should just jump and accept that no all men are created equal. Izuku stepped over the windowsill and stood out on the ledge. It was so high up, he could feel the damp wind blowing his hair into a mess. People were milling about in front of the school, but none looked up. He could jump and no one would notice.

No one would care.

Izuku leaned forward, grasping to the window to hold on. It was tantalizing at this point, the option to leave everything behind, the promise to escape. His fingers started to ache from holding on, but still he stood there, only a few inches from certain death.

"I'm sorry mom..."

Izuku's fingers let go, and all at once, panic filled him. No! He couldn't scream, just weep as he fell towards the ground. His legs slammed into the ground, agonizing pain shooting through his entire body. He blacked out instantly as the rest of him fell into the concrete. After a few seconds he awoke again, his vision distorting everything around him. Izuku made no attempts to get up.

At this point, he just laid there and waited to die.


"Shigaraki, do you see that boy leaning from the window?" Kurogiri gestured up to the school the two were passing in front of. Tomura looked at the boy, squinting to make out the child.

"How sad Kurogiri. If he survives perhaps we ought to take him to All for One. He's brave." Tomura watched as the boy fell from the window, honestly impressed he actually went for it. He walked closer to where the boy would land, if in fact he did survive. Tomura didn't flinch as the child his the ground, though he could hear how painful the impact was. He waited, waited for any sign of life.

Justy about when he would have walked away, decided the boy was dead, there was a ragged cough and then wail. Tomura looked down at the boy. There was blood all over him, and it was clear his bones were shattered, but if they were to get him to a hospital he should survive.

"So he lives. Grab him carefully Tomura, we have a new recruit."

Thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned for more.

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