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After doing a spell to get to heaven I arrived holding swords in both hands. There was an angel with another angel. I snuck up on them and stabbed them both.

It was basically like that as I went throughout heaven. Until all the lights went out. Pitch black. Meaning all angels are dead.

I then teleported back to hell and Lucifer was out in the field lip-locking the slut demon Andy. I was hurt. I felt my heart break. I felt everything shatter within me.

I gasped and they pulled away. Lucifer looked at me wide eyed while Andy smirked. I snapped my fingers and Andy's head exploded. That happened as Tobias, Luca, Lilly, and Ashley came out. The girls holding my twin sons.

Lucifer tried to step near me, but I stepped back. "I want to go back to earth. I'll be safe now. All of heavens lights are out. I also don't want to be your mate" I said confidently even though I wanted to break down with every word that escaped my mouth. I wanted to cry.

"Lucy, it's not what it looked like" he said. "Not what it looked like" I said raising my voice. "YOU WERE LIP-LOCKING WITH THE DAMN SLUT AND IF I HADN'T SHOWED UP YOU'D BOTH BE FUCKING EACH OTHER RIGHT NOW!" I yelled. He seemed taken back.

Then he composed. He kept an emotionless face even though in his eyes you could see pain and red specks. "Fine. Leave. I don't want you here. I don't want those things. Your a slut anyway" he said. I took my kids.

"Lil, I love you. I'm sorry. Love you Ashy. Luca take care of my sister and thank you. Tobias take care of Ashley. Thank you both and I love you both like brothers" I said before teleporting to Australia.

My home place. I teleported to the house I owned which was pretty you could say.

I looked down at the ring on my left ring finger

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I looked down at the ring on my left ring finger. I'm a slut to him. I forgot. He doesn't want me back. He has plenty of other demons.

Maybe, you should go back. Talk to him.
Lilith said softly

I wish you were right this time Lilith, but you heard him. I'm a slut to him. He doesn't want me back. He doesn't want me or Damien and Dominic.
I said to her

You saw the pain in his eyes. You know he didn't mean it.
She said

And if he did
I said.

She didn't answer. I walked in the house and to the second floor. My room had a balcony that overlooked the pool and next to my room was the twins room.

It's painted black with a white hardwood floor. Their cribs were silver with red sheets. They had their name above their bed. I placed them in their cribs.

I slid the ring off my finger and imagined Lucifer's hand and teleported it to him. In his hand. I went to my room and lied down. Alls I felt was pain.

<> Lucifer <>
I can't believe I did that. My temper got the best of me. "You cheated on my sister" Lilly growled. Damn it.

"She came onto me" I lied straight through my teeth. No. I did kiss Andy and if my love hadn't showed up sooner we would have ended up in bed. I don't know what I was thinking.

I guess I thought my love was going to die.

"Liar, you cheated on her and now, now she is gone. She left. Again. She left me again. I just got her back. Now. She's gone and she's going to go back to hurting herself. She's going to go back to that cold-heartless killer. She's going to go back into drugs and alcohol. She's going to go back to stripping because of you" she cried. She had tears streaming down her face. So many tears.

Luca glared at me for making his mate like this. Tobias was also glaring at me because his mate was crying, but also he thought of Lucy as his sister. I felt something cold in my hand and opened my palm.

There was my engagement ring I had given her. I felt my heart break. Lilly looked and just stood their with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"That pain you feel. From her breaking your engagement is nothing. Imagine her pain right now. Finding you kissing another girl. Telling her you don't want her here. Telling her you didn't want your children. Telling her she was a slut. Your a fucking manwhore." She said emotionlessly.

Luca picked her up and walked away. His mates cry's only got louder and more desperate for her sister. Ashley was on her knees crying until Tobias picked her up.

What have i done?

I called my best demon trackers and sent them to earth and had asked their supernatural creatures to watch for her. My mate.

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