Part 1: Mysterious feeling

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(Julia's POV)

At last! I just got home from school.... Then suddenly I remember what he said, I love You Ms. Julia Santos... My god. WHY!?!? It can't be... Maybe it's just a crush. Nothing less, nothing more. Besides, he's younger and we never hanged-out anyway... I'll just stop thinking about it and just go to sleep... Suddenly, my phone rang. An unknown number... Who can this be?

(Irvin's POV)

I told her. I told her what i felt. she might think im joking but its true. Its actually very true. I love her, on the first day i saw her, she looked like an angel that fell on earth. The goddess of Love and Beauty. She's my Aphrodite, my Venus. Most of all my one and only. Oh yeah! i have her number. Is she still awake? 

Ring, ring, ring.........

She picked up, she actually picked up. then i heard an angelic voice.

J: hello? who's this? 

I: hey, its me. Irvin... You still awake?

J: well, i was'nt but you woke me up so yeah.

I: oh! im really sorry.. you could go back to sleep if you want.

J: Nahh. Its okay. Im wide awake anyways...

I: about awhile ago......

She cut me off saying,

J: let's not talk about that..

I: we have to. i need to explain myself. you need to know what i truly feel

J: okay... go.

I: I meant what i said. you may think im unsure of it but its the truth. I do love you Julia. I love you alot. Everytime i see you, my heart skips a beat. When i hear your voice, I would hear it all day long. 

J: but you know you're younger right?

I: well, yeah..

J: i just don't want you to get hurt...

I: i wont.

J: promise?

I: promise.

J: good.. well, i've got something to tell you also.

I: whats that?

J: uhmm, i-i-need to go.. im really sleepy... goodnight Irvin 

I: goodnight Julia. Love you 

J: ugh, yeah. night.

(Julia's POV)

He meant it. he really meant it. Should I tell him? Maybe next time. wait no. what if he's just saying that to make me fall for him? God, so much questions in my head. My head's starting to hurt. God, my eyes are closing. I think it's time for me to just sleep away all these problems.

Hey guys!!!! First chapter is pretty short I know... more to add on the next one =) Love yaaa all!!! Dont forget to follow <3 <3 <3

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