Interview 3: omg_poptarts

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Well this is a pretty popular author on here, so hopefully this interview shows a different side of her =)

1.         What inspired you to write Thalia?

I wrote Thalia because I've always wanted to be a superhuman just like everybody else in the world and I figured "what better way to get it out of my head, than in a book?" :)

2.        Can you relate to any of your characters? In what way?

I think I can relate to rose the most just like everyone else should be. She is basically your everyday teenager and her thoughts are what we have going on in our mind also. Some of her traits are mine anyways :P

3.        Who would you most likely befriend (character in your story) if they came to life?

I Would actually want Cora as a friend. We can be science maniacs together :) haha

4.        Is there a specific audience this story targets?

it's basically for Tweens and teens but I've had a couple of 30 year olds and 20 year olds say they like it so. I really dont even know anymore. Lol

 5.        The response you’ve received from wattpad, is it anything you expected?

well. Actually no. Haha I was hoping for 200 reads and ended up with 37-38,000 reads. Haha. I wasn't even going to do my story. I was going to delete it after 20 comments. Then. I got attacked with comments and reads so I didn't want to make people upset and continued it :D

6.        Do you plan on writing another book featuring Thalia?

I thought about it. But I put the thought on hold. I might make one if fans ask for another book with her ;)

7.        Has the story gone the way you intended it to, or has there been some changes you made along the way?

I only changed about 3 things so far. I was going to leave some characters alone but fans would leave comments that have me a new plan. But nothing that will affect the ending of my book :)

8.        Have you ever felt that you wanted to give up the story? When and why?

yes. Every single day since I started it. Maybe there were a few when it didn't bother me but I have wanted to delete so many times. I think it's because I'm not really seeing what the readers see in my book because I'm writing t and I have never written anything before. But I decide not to get rid of it because I'm nice and I feel I shouldn't be so hard on myself :)

9.        What is the greatest compliment you’ve received on here?

oh gosh. I really don't know the biggest compliment. I think it was these three people who were publishers asking if they could feature my story somewhere.

10.      Any tips for wannabe writers?

wannabe writers. Haha like the term :) and my only advice is to be confident in your work no matter what people tell you because there will be people who actually enjoy it :)

11.       Besides writing, what do you like to do on your free time?

oh I love doing artsy thugs!!! Im always drawing painting sculpting. And playing my precious violin. Haha

12.      What is your guilty food pleasure?

Krispy Kreme donuts and cheese. They have to be glazed donuts. P: and omg when they're hot? *faints*

13.      Favourite store to shop in while you’re at a mall

any crafting store music store or clothing store!!! Woot !!! You're making me excited. LOL

14.      Your favourite article of clothing

As long as you're wearing clothes is all I'm worried about. Lol

15.      Your favourite music artist of all time. 

oh my gosh. This is one of those trick questions because I don't even listen to music like that D: I know I'm a bad person :'(

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