Michelle nodded and bit the inside of her cheek, pushing her hair out of her face. She wasn't quite sure what to do or how to feel. She wanted him to talk to her, she wanted to help but at the same time, she didn't want to pry. As well as that, it wasn't like her and Peter were exactly friends. Were they?

"Are you su-"

"I'm fine." Peter cut her off, his voice harsh and spiteful. It cut through the air, slicing Michelle right where it hurt. He was looking at her now, his eyes dark.

MJ gave him the tightest smile she'd ever given anyway and stood up, brushing off the back of her legs. Not another word was spoken as Michelle returned to the tent, the sound of the zipper echoing through the emptiness.

She down the growing frustration and closed her eyes, curling to a ball under her duvet in an attempt to calm herself down. Michelle had no idea why it bothered her so much, it's not like she didn't know he wouldn't tell her but there was a part of her that hoped he would. There was a part of her that hated seeing Peter like that.

The idea of Peter being in a bad mood was not one she was used to but had gotten to see more than she probably would've liked in the short span of time. She didn't like it. Peter wasn't supposed to be upset in any way, shape or form. Peter was supposed to be awkward, happy go lucky, freaks out over damn Lego Peter. Not whatever this was.

But whatever, it wasn't her problem. Why did it feel like it was?

Peter didn't return to the tent at all. Michelle exited the tent in the morning to find him still sitting in front of the fire, wrapped in the blanket with his headphones in, eyes wide open. She grabbed two pieces of bread before she went to the campground kitchen and shoved them in the toaster.

She wasn't quite sure why she was angry. All she knew is that she was, and it was Peter's fault. So towards Peter is where she'd aim it. Also towards her poor toast that she all but stabbed with a butter-slathered knife. Angry bites were torn out of the food as she walked back to the campsite and sat in a camp chair, staring out at the horizon.

He didn't move an inch for a very long time, Michelle kept track by how much of her book she had read and how much warmer the day got. By the time Peter just shrugged the blanket off, it was rather warm and she'd read two and a quarter chapters of her book. Not that she cared.

Gwen tumbled out of her tent soon after, wincing at the sunlight. Michelle quirked a brow up at her. Gwen whined and walked over to Michelle, her hair sticking up in all sorts of directions she didn't even know existed. A clear indication of a restless night. She was still in the clothes from yesterday, her shirt and skirt skewed to the side awkwardly.

The blonde flopped into a chair and slammed her head into the table. That wasn't one of her best ideas, her pounding headache only beginning to feel like someone taking a hammer to her fragile skull every second. Another whine escaped her mouth and a hand came up to cup the front of her head. Michelle rolled her eyes and went back to her book.

"This is why I don't drink. You two are stupid."

"Yeah," Gwen scoffed. "Thank you, MJ, for your kind words."

"Was I wrong?" Michelle fired back.

"Jeez," Gwen frowned at her friend's dark tone. "What called up your ass and died?"

Michelle narrowed her eyes, swallowing angry words, glaring at Gwen before returning to her book. Books were better than people and always would be. Books didn't call Michelle a bitch at ten in the morning. Books were her friends. Most of the time.

Ned didn't wake up until an hour later. By that time, Michelle was about halfway through her book and Peter had made his way into the shower. Gwen has also gotten into a shower and both had come out cleaner, but still looking rough.

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