The Lost Phone ~Harry and Annabelle

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'I was stunned to silence when I saw her. Her wavy brown hair got lighter as it went, her brown eyes sparkled in the sun, a gorgeous smile didn't leave her face for the hour she was there, and she had freckles littered her face. She was absolutely perfect. It took all my will power not to stand and chase after her when she left. I noticed it then. She had forgotten her phone. I excused my self and stood. I walked over to the bathroom, which was thankfully by her table, slipped her phone in my pocket, and walked to the bathroom like it was nothing.

I got a call an hour later, on her phone. I was sitting in my flat just staring at the wall when the noise interrupted my thoughts. "Hello?" I asked. "Oh, thank goodness! I thought I would have to search all over for my phone!" exclaimed a beautiful voice on the other end. "Okay?" I responded nervously. "Who is this anyway? Did you steal my phone?" she asked worriedly. 'If I stole your phone would I have picked up when you called?" was my quick response. "No, but you still haven't told me who you are," she informed. "I don't want you to freak out," I responded, butterfly's flung themselves around in my stomach. "Why would I freak? I'm Annabelle, by the way," her voice was nervous now, pobably because  she was giving her name to a stranger. "I'm Harry Styles," I whispered quickly. "Oh my gumdrops and teddy bears!" she gasped. "Gumdrops and teddy bears?" I laughed. "Don't judge, don't judge," she giggled. "Well, alright then," I chuckled at her odd perkiness. "So, Mr. Styles, I think we should meet up for coffee. You know so you can give me my phoneualer device back," she said happily. "It's a date," I responded.

The next morning was absolute torture. I had to find an outfit, tell Lou why I was getting dressed up, listen to him fan girl, and then have him tell everyone about it. When 1:30 finally rolled around Louis had even posted it on twitter. I swear he's insane. I walked out the door with him shouting behind me. I walked to the small little coffee shop she had suggested and walked in. I saw her sitting at a table in the corner, and didn't even think twice before walking over. "Annabelle?" I asked, looking down at her small figure. "Harry!" she exclaimed, standing up and hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her, and smiled at the soft sent of magnolia wafted off her. We sat after we had pulled away. I slipped the phone from my pocket and put it on the table. "Here you go," I smiled faintly. She grinned and grabbed it. "Thank you! I thought I was going to die without it!' she giggled happily.  I smiled widely at her.

I went home to hours later. We had gotten to know each other, and she gave me her number. Sadly, she had a boyfriend. I wasn't really surprised when I heard though.  How could some as beautiful as she not have a boyfriend. We texeted and facetimed for a while after that, until she called me one day crying. "He dumped me like a piece of trash on the street!" she wailed. "You want to meet at the coffee shop in five?" i asked her. "Yeah," she whimpered.

We bumped into each other at the entrance, she was still crying. I wrapped my arms around her, her sent filling my nose once again. "He's a jerk. He doesn't deserve some one as perfect as you," I whispered in her ear. "But I thought he loved me!" she sobbed. "I know, I know," I tried to sound soothing, I'm not sure if it worked. We just stood there on the sidewalk, her crying into my arms. I started walking after a while. She was backwards, but still stepping with me. "Where are we going?" she tilted her head up to look at me. "No where in particular," I shrugged slightly. "Alright," she smiled slightly, and buried her head in my chest again. "I have something to tell you," I whispered. "Shoot," her voice came out muffled by my jacket. "I think you're perfect. I love how your hair gets lighter as it goes, how perfectly wavy it is. I love how your brown eyes sparkle with happiness, just because your always happy. I love how you get a new freckle every time I see your face. I love how your almost always smiling, even when it's really hard. I love how you are so sweet, and random. I love how you don't care who I am. What I'm trying to say is...I love you. I know we haven't known each other long, but I really do,"  it was nice to get that off my chest. She looked up at me and smiled. "Good, because I love you too," and she kissed me.

That was the second happiest day of my life. But today is better. today I'm getting married to that girl with those shining brown eyes. I don't think I will ever be happier.' I finished writing the speech I knew I was going to give. Tomorrow I was marring Annabelle. Tomorrow I would be the happiest man alive. To think it all happened because I knew from the start she was perfect.


This. Is. Horrible. I'm so sorry I put you through the torture of having to read this. But this is for Amontes15. You never actually told me your name. Just what you looked like, so I made one up! Ha ha. Okay, guys, I am very upset, so rant time. I am getting a lot of views, but no comments, votes, or requests! I really want to know what you think, so please comment. I really want to know if you like it, so please vote. I really want to write something for you, so please request. I know some people are ghost readers, but I doubt all of you are! I really have no idea what to write about and way to much free time. It's making me sad that no one is commenting or voting. Am I not doing a good job? Okay, rant done. Hope you all loved it. I tried my best, but i was massively distracted while writing this.

Xo Sarabeth

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