Ch.2 Rewrite

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Oh god. My body, my head. It feels like I've been thrown off a building, which isn't far from the truth. My eyes were heavy as I forced them open, crawling and crawling until I reached under the bed. But two harsh hands gripped my bruised ankles, quickly dragging me out. For a small second, there was silence. But as his hands moved, my screams pierced the air, only to be silenced by the intense pain both within me and my heart.

The idea of work weighs heavily on me this morning. Oh how I wish to delay the passing hour. But unfortunately, I have work in two hours and a forty minute drive ahead of me. Fuck.
After dressing in a black suit with a white blouse underneath and a tight bun with lightly curled bangs, I had a slow breakfast and began the drive to work.

The tall building seemed taunting this morning. But I force myself to walk in. As I exit the elevator and walk past the busy cubicles, I Lucille this morning. Things were already different. I grab the usual coffees for Hank and I, then continue to our office. Halfway there I stop. If his sons were there, should I get drinks for them as well? I pushed the thought away, deciding to offer drinks when I see them. I walked into the first room, seeing the receptionist with a pink face. My face forms a frown as I continue on ahead. Another routine gone. I balance my purse and the coffee on one hand as I knock before entering the office. I stay by the door, seeing Hank's chair turned around and no one else in the room. I chuckle to myself, assuming him to be asleep like he had been many times before. How adorable. I set down my supplies before tossing the cup holder and walking over with his coffee and my tablet. After pulling up the agenda, I walk around the desk and towards the back of the chair. With a hand reaching out, I pull at the chair to wake Hank. "Hank, sir—" I whisper but stop mid sentence as my heart thumps into my ear, and my chest tightens. There in Hank's chair stirred a grown man with straight black hair and a folder of financial information in his hands. His eyes were closed for a slight second, as if he were asleep, but he then seemed to wake and looked up at me, his eyes widening as he notices me. I rush back and accidentally drop the tablet. Fear prevented me from reaching down for the tablet. I try so hard to avoid men. Having one so close to me scares me more than death itself. "Good morning. Elise Crimson, I presume" the black haired man spoke, his blue eyes piercing into my soul. I found no voice as I nodded in reply. He stood up from the chair, walking over to me. His every step echoed in the room and my mind went into fight or flight mode as I watched him like hawk. He cant touch me, he cant touch me, please don't touch me! I cried in my head as he held his hand out. I cant bring myself to take it but I can feel his eyes staring holes into me. A hand stretched out from behind me, taking his. I turn quickly and see its Hank. I don't think I could've exhaled louder. How embarrassing. Hank shook the man's hand with excitement, following it with a bear hug. The black haired man returned a small smile and nodded. They exchanged greetings as Hank spoke, "This is Elise Crimson, the best worker I've ever seen to this day AND my right hand woman" he finished with a grin. I smiled at him before turning to who I assume to be one of his sons. "Good morning Mr.Emerson" I tell him with a head nod. Out of habit, I keep my eyes down. The greeting is returned as a short silence follows but is soon broken by Hank with an "Oh!" As he reaches down to pick up the tablet. My mind turns back on and I reach down before him, picking it up. "I apologize, Mr.Emerson" I told him and he chuckled an "its ok". He then told his son to sit on one of the guest seats and he sat in his. "Elise, this is my son, Elijah. He is the one who will cover most finance related matters of this job. You will interact more with him than with my other son, Darren, who focuses more on our investors and clients. Darren will be coming in two weeks, though I don't know why" Hank frowns as he looks at Elijah. Elijah replies, "Nothing new from Darren. He wants to finish his trip in Korea. As you can imagine, work is the last thing on his mind". Elijah leaned back in his chair as Elise peered at him from the corner of her eye. "Ah that wild boy. I still don't understand how you two turned out so different..." Hank said then turned to Elise, "Elise, Elijah will observe you and I for my last week here so he can understand the system a bit more. As you can see, he has already made himself comfortable," Hank paused to playfully roll his eyes as Elijah chuckled lightly," but there is a lot more to learn, especially when it comes to you and your role". That last part caused a surge of stress to pass through my chest. For the first time in awhile, I think I doubt myself being able to do this. Hank asks me to read the agenda, and I do so as I ponder. It would be so easy to quit . But the expecting smile on Hank's face tells me to stay. I owe it to him to at least help his sons have a good start. By the end of the agenda, I could feel both men staring at me. Hank thanked me before dismissing me. I nodded and turned to my desk. After sitting down, I glance up,  seeing Hank joyfully chat away.....and his son's piercing blue eyes staring into mine.

What do you guys think of the name change? Tbh I'm not fully on board with Elijah. Who knows, I may change it. Sorry the chapter is so short but I wanted to get more out to you guys soon. I'm going to TRY and update weekly or maybe even a few times a week if I can.  Oh and btw, I saw endgame guys........
Vote, comment whatever you please and I hope you enjoy!

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