Chapter 2

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"We'll be learning about vextors next, so read up for next class." Mr. Williams said, trying to get everyone's attention, but no one paid attention to him, everyone wanted to get out the class fast.

I don't blame them, math is some hard shit.

"Suuuuaaaaa." Ally shouted.

"Am coming, gosh." I said, while packing up my things.

"What's our next class?"


Yessss! Biology, where i can get to check out Jamie some more. Call me a stalker or whatever, i don't care, i just really really like him.

"I know what your thinking Sua, so stop making those creepy faces."

Speed walking pass Ally to my next class i couldn't help but feel excited. "I have no idea what your talking about."


"He talked to me Ally. Oh my fracking gosh." I said jumping and squealing.

"I saw. So tell me what'd you guys talk about?"

"He asked me for a pen."

"Haha, yea right, come on tell me."

"Am serious Ally, his pen stop writing and he asked me for one."

"Your telling me that, that was the convo you had, and your making it look like he asked you to marry him!" She shouted, clearly pissed.

"Hehe, i love you Allz."

"Pfft, i know you do."

"It's progress Allz, progress, we had a convo." I said signing dreamily.

"I wouldn't call that a convo."

"Shhhh. He's coming this way."

"Sua right?" He asked.

Ohhhh my heart is literally melting right now, just seeing him talking to me. Me. Yesss he's talking to meee. He's gonna ask me to marry him, we gonna live in Japan, 2 kids ohhhhh i can't wait.


Damn, why did i stutter!!! I need to make a good impression.

"Here-" He said slowly taking out a pen from him bag.
"I borrowed this from you in biology class, thanks."

Taking the pen back from him i mumbled a 'your welcome', and he left.

"There goes your prince charming. I can't believe you guys had a convo about a pen." Ally said, rolling her eyes.

"Ally, that's what's gonna bring us together, so don't mock that pen!"

"Yeah, whatever, let's go."

I'm soo happy right now, second time talking to my crush, even though it's about a pen, Sua don't mock the pen.

"Sua." I heard a voice called out.

Looking back i saw that it was Chloe Parkers, vice captain of my dance squad.

"Yes?" I asked, staring at her in disgust.

Wondering why I'm staring at her in disgust? Well that's probably the fact that she dressed like a slut, oh and not to forget that i hate her with every viber of my being.
Simply put, she hates me too because i stole the popularity from her, not that it's true, but that's what she thinks.
Chloe thought she'd get captain after the captain before me left. That didn't happen so now she blames me. Every time she tries, keyword try to humiliate me, but only end up making a fool out of herself. She just doesn't know when to give up.

"I saw Jamie talked to you just now."

"Yes, so?" I asked.

"He's mine, so don't even think of stealing him from me."

"He's yours? Oh please don't make me laugh, i don't see your name on him so there's no way he's yours." I said rolling my eyes.

"Whatever, if i see you talking to him again I'll make your life hell."

"Sorry sweetie, that won't work on me, cause you know I'm more popular than y-o-u." I said, spelling out the word 'you' to make a more dramatic effect.

Stomping her foot on the ground like a little child, she gave me the stink eye and went back to wherever she came from.  

"Damn, she's something else." Ally commented.

"I know right."

My First Crush Is GayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon