Mr. Champion Protector

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After all these years
Nothing has ever changed to me
Despite your cold treatment
Remembering you still
Except the times you ignored me
Wanting to see you in real life
You are still one of my closest friends
Valuable you were to me
In my life you were special
And we are not close anymore
Now we don't talk as often as years ago
All this time, I want to keep the friendship

We've been friends for seven years
We may not talk anymore
I still consider you one
Never would I forget you
The closeness we once had
Will never be forgotten
You made me feel special
You listened to me
The cold treatment you had shown
Will be forgotten
You made me feel bad
You try to forget me

Guess I have to accept
I can't bring back the times
I was once special to me
You were once a great man to me
Hoping for your happiness
Years have passed quickly
You are doing great
And that makes me happy

February 1, 2018

Poetically Expressed (2017-2018) - Poetry BookWhere stories live. Discover now